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Email disconnects daily

Posted Nov 29, 2023

Since we have changed our email from one office365 account to another office365 account, zendesk disconnects 1-2 times a day. Please help




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Dan, I hope you're well! 
Can you please provide us with more details of what you're experiencing about Zendesk disconnection? Are you receiving any error messages? If so, can you share with us. so we can gather more information? 


The issue could be that the new email account from Office365 was connect to an additional authentication by SMS / MS-Authenticator and maybe this was the reason the connection got lost after a while although this was not the case when using this account in outlook online, maybe this security feature is somehow connected to the API. We removed this security feature and are observing whats happening


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Dan, thanks for your response. 

Sure thing. Just in case you encounter any issues again, we suggest that you reach out to us by following this article. This way, your request will be attended by our Support Advocates. 


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