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Banned visitors affecting metrics
Posted Dec 05, 2023
Banned visitors should not see the chat widget, or be able to request a chat. Currently, banned visitors do still see the chat widget, and can request a chat. That chat is just never served. It sits in the Visitor List as a requested chat, but is never pushed to an agent.
I've recently contacted ZD support and asked if a banned visitor hanging in the queue like that will affect our wait time or response time metrics. The response was that it does affect our metrics. I also asked if there is a way to stop banned visitors from beginning a chat so they do not appear in our visitor queue. There is not.
I currently do not have a workaround identified to either of these issues so when a banned visitor returns and begins a chat, there is not way to stop that requester who may hang in the queue for an hour or more from affecting out metrics.
Any thoughts?
Ryan Osberg
If there are any updates on this, we would be very interested to learn what Zendesk is thinking - specifically the rationale behind letting a suspended user re-initiate a chat. And if there are no plans to prevent suspended users from starting a new chat (specifically using the legacy web widget) since our agents cannot accept the "stuck as Incoming" chat from a suspended requester, what would Zendesk suggest as a solution to let them know that they are not going to receive a response?
Shawna James
I want to remind folks, in reference to our Community Guidelines, that while our PM's are regularly monitoring this space, they are not able to respond to every feature request that comes through due to the number of requests we get in on a daily basis. Rest assured all feedback is logged and recorded. If you are interested in engaging other Zendesk Community members on your question you may visit the Q&A forum and ask your question there. Thank you again!