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Gather Feature request: Allow staff members to flag comments as internal so that these are not visible to end users
Posted Dec 05, 2023
We use Gather - similar to Zendesk - as a product ideas portal, i.e. to collect feature requests for our software products from customers and partners.
We have received an urgent feature request from a product owner that it should be possible to optionally mark comments from employees (= team members) as internal, which are not visible to customers (= end users).
What problem do you see this solving?
Product Management / Product Owner normally sit together once a week and discuss latest submitted feature requests (= posts).
They want to:
- save the outcome of the internal discussion directly below the original posts as comment so that it is not forgotten and documented.
- save the link to the User Story to the development platform (= Azure DevOps) directly as comment to the post, if the feature requests get accepted.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business?
Our Product Management / Product Owner are impacted in their daily work, means at least once a week. They currently have to keep a shadow list to document internal comments, which has not proven to be efficient in practice.
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem?
Yes, sometimes an Excel list is used - sometimes the POs try to keep things in their heads. Especially when employees change their position in the company or leave the company, important know-how is lost.
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function?
The ideal solution would be for staff members (= team members) to be able to mark comments as internal and comments marked in this way would not be visible to end users (= customers and partners).
1 comment
Shawna James