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Log files for Trigger Updates in Zendesk

Posted Feb 02, 2024

We have around 665 active triggers in Zendesk and we also have multiple admins working on simultaneously. Currently we don't have any native to Zendesk logging system that can log any new change in Triggers/automations and solely depends on manual logging of those events. 

It would be really nice if there was a way to have it natively supported in Zendesk instead of building a custom tool




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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

+1 As we have 12 Admins and they are in charge of different divisions. It would be great to not only get notifications of trigger changes, but able to adjust the notifications to be notified of certain triggers (some are regularly changed)


Agreed with you @Sydney. These features should be part of Zendesk to keep track and organize it and audit our triggers. Plus, these will also help in transitional phase as well. 


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hello Rao, 
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback and Sydney for adding your thoughts in here as well. This has been logged for our PM team to review, and for future reference, here’s our product feedback template. This template has been designed by community members and PM's to help users provide the most accurate details for their feature request so that we can better understand your use case and needs. You do not need to update your post now but we would appreciate it in the future if you could utilize the template.
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


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Ryan Winkler

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Friends,

Thanks for making this post, and I just wanted to pop in from the Audit log team side to let you know "we hear you!".

I don't have anything to report on additional logs at the moment, but I'm keen to understand your ask more!

Is it just knowing that the triggers have changed that would be helpful, or would you need a full "Before and after" for it to help?

Would having a log that said "automation/trigger/business rule changed" be enough (or helpful by itself) or would it only be useful if you could see WHAT has changed? The "this thing has changed" is a lower hanging fruit that the "this has changed in this way", so I'd love to know if JUST if something has changed would be helpful.

If you have any direct examples, further usescases or more elaboration on this need, I would love to hear them.

As an aside, I'm incredibly curious on the 3rd party or custom solution via API that others have been using to fulfill this gap, so please share either in this comment thread or by contacting support and sharing the feedback through messaging/ a ticket (mention me and that you are looking to provide audit log feedback) if you'd like (otherwise, our feedback forums are still the best way to go).

Thanks again.


Hi Ryan,

We're working on automating processes in Zendesk to improve reporting and tracking accuracy. However, we've hit a snag with visibility in trigger components.

Take a look at the screenshot I've attached. It's not giving us much info on which trigger component was changed. While we know it's in "Notify by Webhook," there are no details to expand on—just three dots.

We need clearer visibility to pinpoint what's been modified. It'd be also good to make a button available inside the Triggers/Automations tab to lead to audit log or that on expanding show 15 recent changes. In this way it'll become more transparent for anyone who's starting out as an admin and more user friendly. 

As Sydney said we also have couple of admins and other department people working inside Zendesk and if we can setup notifications based on different criteria that'd really help in keeping track of everything. 


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