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Improvements to the Audit Log - Additional activities and filters

Posted May 20, 2024

We would like to see ticket deletion events made by any user in the Audit Log, alongside some filter options for these type of activities.

For some context, the whereabouts of some tickets was questioned and we couldn't find these in the Audit Log. We knew they had been deleted and could find these deleted tickets in Zendesk Explore, but the ticket deletion events were not visible in the Audit Log. Having spoken with Zendesk Support, permanent ticket deletions can only be seen in the event log by the agent who deleted those tickets, rather than these being visible to all admins. Soft ticket deletions are visible to all admins, until they're replaced by the permanent ticket deletion events. This affects admins and means we lose visibiltity of key ticket events.

This has been a problem for us over the past week or so, where someone deleted tickets and we had no record of what happened to the outside of Zendesk Explore.

The workaround is to use Zendesk Explore, but this was not always accurate - we had to filter on the deleted ticket IDs to find what had happened to them.

An ideal solution would be having visibility of all ticket deletion events made by any user, as well as the option to filter on these using the in-built filters. 




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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Kyle,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


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Ryan Winkler

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Kyle, 

Thanks for the shout here.

I'm interested in this, and would love to know your opinion on a few hypotheticals, if you don't mind:

  •  Would you want both Soft deleted and permanently deleted tickets in there? That's a lot of volume and generally has been avoided due to being completely overwhelming every other type. What would the best case scenario be, in your opinion?
  • Having spoken with Zendesk Support, permanent ticket deletions can only be seen in the event log by the agent who deleted those tickets, rather than these being visible to all admins.

Presently, we do not have conditions on what can and cannot be seen in the audit log by who or what. Could you confirm this is the case within the audit log itself, or where specifically do agents see this event? And more so, what's your thoughts on visibility in general? SHOULD agents and admins be able to see their own settings? Any context, thoughts or feedback there would be great (I know, I'm casting a wide net! but I definitely want to make sure we have the right solution for you).

Filter wise, we already have the ability to filter down to ticket or Source type, which should get you close to the ticket events you need.

Let me know what's needed there or what can be improved.

Filtering is surprisingly more complex than a lot of the aspects, so we have to prioritize carefully, but I'm open to all and any feedback on needs!

Thanks for your time, and please, keep up the great posts! 



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