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How to select agent signature based upon ticket channel (ie SMS vs email) in Support


Posted Jul 04, 2024

Hi everyone, 


I am looking for a solution that would allow for the agent signature to be changed depending upon which channel the ticket was going out as (ie SMS vs email) on the Support platform. 


I know Zignature's says it can do this but the help article that I found that talked about this didn't discuss how Zignatures would actually do this, can someone from Zignature's or the community help out with this?



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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Caitlin 


The native signature field doesn't have the context to evaluate ticket conditions as the channel, for example.

In the Zignatures app,  you do have the ability to evaluate ticket fields and build conditional statements using liquid markup. 

I couldn't find a reference for the channel (via) values for SMS, so I'm not sure the below is accurate, but you can test that on an SMS ticket.

{% if ticket.via == "Mail" %}
{% elsif ticket.via == "Sms" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

The above will show the “EMAIL SIGNATURE” when the ticket channel is email, “SMS SIGNATURE” when the channel is SMS, and in all other cases, the “ALTERNATE/FALLBACK SIGNATURE” is shown.


I hope that helps.


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