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Product Feedback: Release agent capacity based on last end-user reply

Posted Aug 09, 2024


We were looking into implementing the Automatically release agent capacity for messaging conversations feature and wanted to know if we can set it up based on both agent and end-user last reply. However, after a consultation with your support team, it seems that it works only based on agent’s last reply.

Having this feature available based on both agent and end-user last reply will have a variety of different use cases and unlock a greater potential.



1 comment

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Onur Okutan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Georgi,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback with us. I have recorded your suggestion and shared it with the relevant internal team for further consideration.

We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases.

Thank you once again for your feedback.

Best regards,


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