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Backend change causing issues?
Posted Aug 27, 2024
I have a bunch of custom metrics that worked up until a day ago. It appears that something on the back end was refactored changing how data type are handled here.
Here's one example that worked for years:
IF ([Call direction]="Inbound" AND
[Call type] = "Regular" AND
[Call completion status]="Completed")
([Call direction]="Inbound" AND
[Call type] = "Regular" AND
NOT([Call completion status] ="Completed") AND
VALUE(Call duration (sec)) > "30")
THEN [Call ID]
Now it appears the quotations around the 30 (`VALUE(Call duration (sec)) > "30")`) causes the 30 to be interpreted as a string/text and it returns an error. Was this intentional? I don't think I would have put the 30 in quotations to begin with if it wasn't required when I was making these metrics years ago, but now it seems that this is a problem.