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Possibility to add custom translations for options & buttons

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Juliane Knobloch

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Sep 12, 2024

Our messaging bot is available in seven languages and we find the automatic translations of the prompts often not satisfactory, sometimes they are downright confusing for the users. It's great that we can now add custom translations for bot messages. We also need this feature for other parts of the bot, especially the buttons below the bot intro. The text for these buttons is taken from the name of the corresponding answer and there is no possibility to customize the translation.

Here is an example of how the automatic translations lead to confusion: In German, the button label “Unrecognized Charge” is automatically translated to “Unbekannte Ladung”. This makes no sense at all, translated back to English it means “unknown cargo”. 




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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Juliane,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


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Daniel Aron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Juliane Knobloch, thank you for this feedback. This request is clear, however extending the Zendesk AI agent custom translation feature to support to options and buttons is not currently planned on the roadmap. For full customization and control over AI agent translations, you might consider Zendesk's Ultimate advanced AI agent solution.


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Juliane Knobloch

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Daniel Aron ,

Thank you for your response and for clarifying the current roadmap for the AI agent custom translation feature. While I understand that extending this feature to options and buttons is not currently planned, I would like to emphasize the importance of this capability for our user experience.

The automatic translations for button labels often lead to confusion, as illustrated by the example of “Unrecognized Charge” being translated to “Unbekannte Ladung” in German, which means “unknown cargo.” This not only confuses our users but also impacts the overall effectiveness of our bot interactions. The buttons below the bot intro are critical; if a label is incomprehensible, a user will not click the corresponding button and will not go through the flow that might solve their issue or question.

Having the ability to customize translations for all parts of the bot, including buttons, would significantly enhance the user experience and reduce misunderstandings. While we appreciate the suggestion to consider Zendesk’s Ultimate advanced AI agent solution, it is not feasible for us due to budget constraints.

Could you please reconsider the possibility of adding this feature to the roadmap? It would greatly benefit many Zendesk customers who rely on accurate translations for effective communication.

Best regards,



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