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Redirecting our legacy articles to new Zendesk help center articles

Posted Oct 24, 2024

We migrated our old WordPress-based help site to Zendesk's Help Center.  Our plan was to set up an Nginx wildcard redirect from our old url structure to the new article url structure used by Zendesk.  I thought it would be something like this:



location /old/path/to/(?<article-name>.*) {
   rewrite ^ $scheme://new.zendesk.domain/hc/en-us/articles/$article-name redirect;


This rewrite would catch any articles where the article name remained the same after migration.  The problem is that ZD's url structure includes the article ID, which makes this approach impossible.




Is there a work around for this?  Obviously would like to keep the SEO we've built for our support articles. Seems like the alternative is adding a custom redirect for every article, url to url, which is a daunting task with the number of articles we have.


Surely other companies have migrated help content over to Zendesk like this…



1 comment

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Hiedi Kysther

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Matt Dietsche 

While we do have some ways to bulk import all your articles to Zendesk, there's really no easy way to do this. You can either.

1. API endpoints:  this will allow you to import all your article content by creating new articles. The API endpoints could be added to a script which would refer to the content from your database and create the new Help center Articles on your Zendesk's account.

2. Third-party app- you can import your Knowledge base articles via CSV using this app:

Hope this helps! 


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