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Google Analytics or any equivalent?

Posted Nov 16, 2024



I'm trying to figure out how to properly set Google Analytics inside our built apps so we can track our client's behavior. We'd like to track normal things like unique visitors, engagement, etc

So far no success with GAnalytics. 


Is it because the apps are served in an iFrame? Is there a workaround? What's the Website stream I should set?




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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Yosef! I'm not super familiar with GA, but we do have a little bit of documentation on the topic, with respect to setting it up in the manifest of your app. I'm not sure where you are in the process, but let us know if that gets you in the right direction!


Thanks Greg,

What you posted was how to incorporate GA on the marketplace while I was referring to implementing GA on an app that we're building


what eventually helped me was this:


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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Thanks for the follow-up and the info so that I can have a slightly more helpful response in the future!


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