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Agent Workspace - add Grammarly support
Publicado 15 mar 2021
The Zendesk Customer Advocate staff suggested I post this.
Our team has experienced text disappearing issues in the Agent Workspace Composer when using the Grammarly browser extension. It looks like the extension is not supported and can cause issues.
The workaround is to enable the "Enable fix for composer" feature in Agent Workspace. I'd like to eventually disable that, as there are some enhancements I am missing out on with that enabled.
8 comentarios
Amy Lee
Grammarly should be supported with the Agent Workspace composer! Please reach out to our support team if you are experiencing issues. Thank you!
Kyle Pinkley
We would also like to see Grammarly support added when "Enable fix for composer" is disabled.
Edwin Schukking
I am probably searching in all the wrong places, but where in Zendesk Workspace can I find the feature "Enable fix for composer" ?
Hi Edwin,
Upon checking, it seems that this option, "Enable fix for composer" which should be found in the Agent Workspace Settings under Admin icon () > Settings > Agents > Agent Workspace is no longer present for there's no fallback editor. However, there aren't any known issues caused by interactions with Grammarly and the current editor.
I hope this helps!
Aubree Rose Mia | Customer Advocate
Hello, Aubree and Zendesk support.
I am still experiencing issues using Grammarly within the Agent Workspace in Zendesk. Most often, the issues related to Grammarly getting confused about spaces. Sometimes the space that should be between two words is removed. Usually, when this happens, the missing space will be perceived by Grammarly, but when the option to correct this is clicked, nothing happens, and a space does not separate the two words.
Do you know if this is a known issue, and if so, are you aware of a fix for this bug?
I am using a Mac with the following:
Thank you
Matt Davis
I can confirm that this is still an issue across browsers with the Grammarly extension. Something is causing both auto-correct and manual error correction to fail within the Agent Workspace, based on where the cursor is placed within the textbox at the time of correction. This frequently means the corrected word is inserted before, after, or in the middle of the incorrect word, rather than replacing it.
With the | symbol representing the cursor placement: correcting "delivrey|" generates "delivreydelivery". If the cursor is in the middle like "deli|vrey" it becomes "delideliveryvrey". This happens with phrase or sentance correction as well, dropping phrases into random locations in the text block depending where you happened to click.
I contacted Grammarly twice about this issue, in July 2022 and again in November 2022, and they indicated both times that this was a known issue. What's particularly funny to me is that Grammarly themselves use Zendesk, so their own CSR's must be unable to use their product, or they must be in the legacy editor still or something.
Jacob Ohlhausen
I appreciate Matthew's description above and I'm experiencing the same issue. If there's anywhere I need Grammarly's help, it's definitely when using Zendesk to interact with customers!
Braedon Good
This does not work... Grammarly flickers on and off and rarely stays during the the time it takes to compose a reply. Matt Davis above explains the issue well.
Please look into it Zendesk... Pinning a top comment as "Nah, it's working fine" when it obviously isn't it's a good look.