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Unshare Tickets
Publicado 21 may 2020
There is a feature missing that I think is essential - the ability to unshare tickets automatically via triggers and automations.
You can share tickets automatically via triggers and automations, but there is no unshare option.
The action to share is already in place, please add unshare.
If you want to send a ticket to another Zendesk instance that you have ticket sharing set up with for them to handle directly, the only way for you to do this it to share, unshare, and then solve the ticket - there are cases where you do not need the ticket to stay open on your end (why should it affect your reply times ext.).
If you share tickets with another Zendesk instance, you can not use the notify target extension as an email will fire on your end, but due to email loop rules and the nature of ticket sharing, a new ticket is not created in the other Zendesk instance.
There are currently only 2 options that I know of as a workaround for this:
- Use the open API to create a script to unshare tickets - not everyone can or should have to do this.
- Automatically use triggers to share the ticket, but then manually have to unshare and solve the ticket on our side, or wait for agents from the other Zendesk instance to solve the ticket so that it no longer appears in our instance.
We can not be the only people who have run into this issue - the unshare feature needs to be developed in full.
Does anyone have another work around?
10 comentarios
Devan La Spisa
Hello @...,
The closest workaround I can suggest would be a trigger that looked for the tag being added, which could send an email to the assignee or a manager letting them know that ticket needed to be unshared. I would also have that trigger add a tag to make tracking how many times this was happening easier.
Best regards.
@... I already have them going into a view - but we are talking about having to manually unshare and solve 100s of tickets if not thousands a month - it is really ridicoulus.
We've recently found that this would be highly valuable for us as well. Seems silly to have a share by tag but not unshare.
Kyle Pinkley
This post mentions wanting the unshare functionality in triggers and automations. I would like to see this ability in macros as well.
Nick S
+1 on this also. We'd like to be able to unshare via trigger.
Dan Ross
Same. We're looking at implementing workflows that unshare a ticket if details from a macro are not present. The macro is intended to guide agents to follow a process and format to send info to our partners. If they don't comply and the trigger sees a tag missing from the macro for example, we'd want to unshare the ticket and notify someone on our end.
Alfredo Navarro
We actually have the same need over here in one of our workflows. I have also checked and there is no possibility to "unshare" (or even share) via the API, or maybe I did not find it.
In addition, there is no option via macro to affect the sharing of tickets which could also be beneficial.
Any information if this is in the roadmap?
Jiri Fait
Again, 4 year old feature request that has not been implemented. The action "Unshare ticket with..." in macros, triggers and automation is really needed. Can Zendesk devs bear this in mind?
Mark Collins
+1 Unsharing via macros, triggers etc would be a very useful feature
Shawna James
Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this product feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to the feature request.
I work in managing our customer product feedback forums and have been in communication with the product team that owns this area. They noted the following: this is a great feature request and we have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.