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Allow a trigger to post comment updates
Publicado 24 jul 2013
Please allow us to add a comment to an open ticket via trigger.
I'd like a public record of the comment I sent out to my customer, vs. a mere email that goes out via the trigger.
Thank you very much!
56 comentarios
Jonathan March
+1 Another use-case is when an automation fires and re-opens a Pending or Held ticket, and an email is sent to the assignee. Fine, but what if they see the open ticket online before they get to their email? Then it's just confusing "Why is this ticket sitting here open?" Sure, they can show the event log and figure it out, but most agents don't think to do that. Much better would be to insert an internal comment "Reopened because due date reached".
Shai Simchi
I have an automation to set a ticket to 'solved' 3 days after it has been set to pending without an update from the end user.
When this happens I have an action to notify the user by email.
The problem I have is that this email is not captured in the case itself and I do not see an action where I can add a comment or anything to the case.
Shai Simchi
Zendesk team -
This is a big issue for us. If we close a case using an automation and we sent a notification to the end user it is pretty standard that this communication should be documented in the case. What happens right now is that it is not and when looking in the case there is no way to tell why it was solved...we are losing the trackability of the case this way.
Please advise on plans to addressing this.
the suggested actions include many changes to the ticket - not sure why adding a comment is not possible. seems pretty basic
Jonathan March
The ticket's event log does show the automations and triggers that were run, but this is not convenient nor transparent.
Shai Simchi
Going to the event log to find out if a communication was made or not is not a good option.
The automation sends out a communication to the customer.
All communication are tracked as comments and that includes email.
Hence - this email should be included too.
I do not need to start digging under rocks to figure out what happened.
We really would like this functionality, especially as the landing page after users submit a ticket is their ticket status page where they can't see that we've just emailed them about the ticket. Either allowing us to comment at the same time as we email or move that page to redirect them to a new location would be great in order to help users understand that we have in fact responded to them.
Darren Middleton
+1 we have some customer records who have unique customisations made to their product that we support. The actual customisations are noted in the Knowledge Base per customer.
We would like to add an internal note to a ticket when it is created against set organisations to review this Knowledge Base article before diving straight into the troubleshooting process.
Without triggers/Automations being able to fire Macros or add comments, I cannot see any way of doing such a simple task within Zendesk which is a real shame.
The only other option we have is to tags or fields to the org record and then hope the agent notices these on the support ticket which is not ideal. Firing an email to the agent is another option but again not ideal. It would be much better to have comments added to the ticket automatically when tickets are raised from certain organisations.
David Bailie
I'd like to be able to automate internal ticket comments as well as public comments.
Niko Appels
I would really like to have this feature as well. I was actually counting on this feature being available as I would have liked to use internal notes to remind our developers working on a case using the JIRA integration via an automation that a ticket requires their attention.
Timur Grigoryev
Waiting for this feature already long long time ago :(
Frankwin Hooglander
This feature is a must. How can helpdesk software not record EVERY piece of communication with a customer? That just seems so backwards.
Will Seader
I agree with this feedback.
In some cases I would also like to to have a trigger or automation add a comment as opposed to sending off an e-mail just to keep that record in there for the end user and or CCs.
Add me to the list requesting this feature. I would like to post instructions to the agent based on the customer that submits the questions. This would be in the form of an internal comment.
Michael Reeves
Like one of the comments above, we have a number of specific customizations for each of our customers. It would be very (extremely!) helpful to be able to automatically include an internal note listing what is unique about the particular client. This would be very, very helpful for us.
I would expect that this would be a relatively easy feature to add, and it would be very helpful.
Colin Piper
Michael, I assume you hold these "specific customizations" as notes against a User or Organization? If so then the UserData app can be used to display this info on the ticket page without it actually becoming an internal note. Would that do?
Richard Savino
+1 for me too.
This feature will help us for ticket sharing workflow.
A trigger could write a private comment with the remote ticket ID after the ticket has been created.
René Werder
+1 asap
Add Notes and comments with a trigger or a automations.
Cody Stokes
Would like to be able to add private comment based on matching string in body of ticket.
Simon N
+1 asap!
This would make the automation workflow much smoother!
Allen Lam
Need comment function for Trigger and Automations
Nicole Infiesta
Similar use case to Darren above -- we have some clients with exceptionally custom things associated with their account. it would be great to be able to apply an automatic tag to the ticket based on the account, and then generate an internal comment based on that applied tag that the support reps would see when they open the ticket drawing attention to whatever they need to know.
Liam Nicholls
It is possible via the API to apply internal comments.
I realise not everyone has the resources to make use of the Zendesk API. We have 3rd party systems that update Zendesk tickets by way of an internal comment.
One 3rd party app we've integrated with is Github which will update Zendesk tickets with an internal comment when a fix for an issue in place. So technically this is feasible.
Zendesk should allow you could create triggers to do this via the front end, as not every organisation has the resources to make use of the API.
Andreas Schuster
I created a workaround for that, so that my agents know that a trigger applied something.
I'm using the Tag Warnings app for "updating a ticket".(https://www.zendesk.com/apps/tag-warnings/)
Just add a tag for example changed_by_trigger and configure the App to show a warning when this tag is applied!
Then you know that something happened with the ticket, e.g. re-openend by trigger and you can take a look at the event log for further info.
Koby Soto
Come on zendesk, this is being requested for many months now. Build it already.
Koby Soto
We had to build an http server that accept the "target hook" zendesk support, then it adds a public comment through the api. Such a huge workaround. Really disappointed.
Snaebjorn Olafsson
This would be VERY nice to have.
Emma Woollett
We want to have an email from anyone within our internal domain post a private comment when sent to a specific email address. Is there anything in the pipeline for this?
Bjørn Hildgaard Andersen
This post is almost 3 years old. As far as i can se, it's stil not possible to ad a public or privat comment by trigger. This could be very usefull, both on new and open tickets.
Simon N
Hello everyone,
There is actually a neat way to pull this off via the Zendesk API*. You'll have to create an URL target in the 'extentions' tab and then add a 'Notifications: Notify target' rule to each trigger / automation to make it happen, but once set up it works like a charm!
Check out this article for further info: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203164973-Adding-Comments-via-Triggers-and-Automations
*No 3rd party tools required!
Mike Martello
Simon's method is a great hack, but it gets problematic if you have more than one update via the API hitting a ticket in a submission. This feature is very much needed!