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Hide customer satisfaction results from agents view
Publicado 02 may 2017
I would like the possibility of hiding customer satisfactions scores and comments in tickets from the agent view.
32 comentarios
Scott Allison
Thank you everyone for sharing your feedback and your thoughts on the effect on agents of reading negative feedback. So far we don't have anything planned to address this in the roadmap but we regularly revisit and reassess based on your input. The next time we’ll look at this again would be the second half of this year.
Jose Gonzales
This would be a welcomed addition to features! Often time it creates a lack of productivity with agents reading through and talking about negative satisfaction and a dip in moral when agents see negative reviews. Since agents can see these as well, there has been an occasion where the agent responded to the customers bad review in a less than ideal manner.
Ian harris
I would also agree with this, negative feedback can effect the mental well-being of agents.
Ideally there should be an option to hide both or either.
I also agree with this. We recently turned Satisfaction on (with the upgrade to Professional) and the reaction was immediate. I would really love for only admins and above to have access to the Satisfaction survey responses.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the feedback, Ashley!
Paul Beard
I would also like to see this. Because we use ZenDesk as an internal IT HelpDesk, ratings can affect interaction between employees in the office.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the feedback, Paul. We do not have any improvements to CSAT planned in the near future, but are continuing to collect use-cases and votes on this thread for future consideration.
Adam Gerson
I would also like to hide feedback from agents and just have it be viewable by their manager.
Patrick Kennedy
I think this is super important feature that is currently lacking. Our managers would like to the ability to screen the feedback and decide when/how to share this with the agents rather than have the agents see it in the ticket. We may need to turn off the survey because of it since any agent in a group can see the comments for any other agent in that group. Is this by design?
One more voice in favor of this feature. Thanks!
Robert Hood
I would like this ability as well. I posted the same issue with a GDPR twist here https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047686514-Ability-to-hide-CSAT-Banner-in-tickets prior to finding this one
Rafael-Work Saucedo
Please turn this into a thing. As others have stated, agents become too preoccupied with the notion that they did "bad" which is bad for productivity and morale. Instead, the manager, an actual person should be the one responsible for interpreting and communicating feedback and outcomes to the agents, not some metric. Thanks!
Teresa Clark
There are two years of history on this request to turn off comments on the CSAT survey. It isn't productive for agents to see these comments. All of the positives that we gain as a team by using the survey are undone when everyone views the comments and spends way too much time making necessary adjustments. Please prioritize this change to CSAT functionality so that only the admin can access the metrics. Thanks!
Jean Cesar Martínez
I agree with Teresa. CSAT usually measures the customer experience for a particular support request that could have gone through different support agents. An agent could get scores (negative or positive) for something that could have been out of their control and therefore impact their productivity.
We have three levels of support, but usually the 2nd level is the one that interacts with the customer. If a ticket gets to 3rd level and stays there 1 week causing the customer to have a bad experience... when the ticket gets back to level 2, the ticket is solved and the customer leaves a Bad score based on the 1 week wait time... It is the level 2 agent who will see the score.
Either way, it seems the community agrees that the ability to hide is the answer. Please allow us to choose if we want our agents to see that score or not.
Annie Baker
We would also like to be able to hide the ratings from agents. The sentiment is the same for our company as well. It impacts agents moral and just isn't something that they need to see on the ticket.
Derek Smith
Zendesk, please revisit this topic. This will help your product be a more viable solution for internal business support and not just external customers. This missing feature means that agents are subjected to scrutiny from people they will be seeing on a regular basis in the office without any workarounds. How are we expected to collect end-user feedback and improve our support model without putting our agents in the line of fire?
Danail Stefanov
I would like to see my personal customer satisfaction feedback and my statistic for more than a week... for instance for a month or a year. Doesn't matter if there are one or more bad reviews.
Hiding the reviews is not a good solution, because it creates distrust of the presented results in the agents and preconditions of manipulations. It would be great to allow for a more detailed review by customers of whatthey are not happy with, not to hide the results from the agents. In 100 percent of the cases, where my ticket have received a "bad rating" the reason is in the process, that was developed by the company, not in the service. The analysis of this more specific information woud be beneficial for the company and will contribute to improvements in the processes.
Анастасия Куприянова
We don't want our agents to spoil their spirits and de-motivate themselves because of negative comments from clients, because it has a detrimental effect on the whole day.
Make it possible for companies to choose whether to show the agent a rating or not, with the ability to choose the departments for which this option applies.
Lenka Brozmanova
Hello everyone. This is Lenka from Nicereply. There are some survey apps available on the Zendesk Marketplace (Nicereply is one of them) that allow agents to gather customer feedback without them having access to the survey software. As a result, the agent is collecting feedback, but he/she will not have access to the results on a daily basis. Thanks to that feature agents are not affected by their customer feedback on a daily basis, they just go over the results with their manager once a month, week or so. You can also opt not to have the feedback pushed to the rated tickets. Since Zendesk is not planning to develop this in the coming months feel free to reach out if you have questions regarding other options available on the marketplace.
Lee Burkhill
This day and age, it should be a simple setting to implement (hiding sections on the agent workspace).
Mental health for our colleagues is a big part of our workplace wellbeing program, and not being able to hide the Good/Bad satisfaction section has shown to have a negative impact on their mental health.
Is this not an easy fix for the masses?
Nina Godfrey
Any update? This is an absolutely necessary setting.
Granting CSAT (viewing) access to certain groups only is a fairly easy and basic setting that's currently missing.
Rosaria Esposito
Hi everyone!
I too agree that this is an absolutely necessary setting. We also need to hide feedback from agents, leaving it to administrators alone.
I sincerely hope for an update on this.
I deeply sympathize that our colleagues may be negatively affected by the results of the satisfaction survey results.
I hope this feature will be implemented as soon as soon as possible.
Mario Ritz
Any update on this? As far as i can see, you still cannot restrict access to CSAT feedback? I don't understand how something basic like this is still not implemented - this should be very straight forward to add an option to hide the satisfaction feedback and CSAT customer comments from agent view. I don't want agents to spend time to read through their own or other agents customer feedback, that is not their job but their managers. Again, yet another function in Zendesk we cannot use because of privacy concerns and potential impact on morale (see talk dashboard with detailed agent statistics that cannot be hidden from agents on Professional plan).
Tetiana Gron
Hi everyone! I wanted to open up a discussion about a potential change: removing the CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) results from the ticket banner for everyone. Currently, both agents and admins can see these results directly in the ticket banner and in the ticket events log.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this:
Than you for your feedback!
I am also interested in this feature
I think having an option to chose if either admins only or everyone can view the CSAT rating in the banner would be preferable
CSAT Data would still be reachable, as you would only disable the “visual” display of the data, the data is still stored in the ticket so it should be fine
Mario Ritz
The CSAT data, on a ticket level, should not be visible to agents by default. i.e. no banner and no possibility for an agent to access the individual feedback from a customer on a ticket unless permission to see individual CSAT is granted. (I am not referring to agents being able to see their own, overall CSAT score - overall scores are fine as long as they cannot break it down to individual tickets or access other people's scores by themselves.)
As long as agents can access the events log no, because agents can still easily access the data - no difference to the current situation. It shouldn't be displayed at all on agent level access unless the permission to see CSAT is granted
I don't understand this question - they will find it if they have access and are told where to look - no difference to now. Generally, I doubt that anyone working somehow efficiently would do CSAT analysis by looking at the banners of hundreds of tickets - you would run high level reporting and break it down from there. As long as the CSAT for each ticket is accessible for non-agent roles (or if permission is granted) and it can be accessed/ drilled down into via reporting then there is no issue.
Oliver Kanellopoulos
Hi Tetiana Gron
I agree that it should either be a permission that can be removed depending on the role, or it should be completely removed from the ticket.
If removing the banner and adding it to the event log could be a quick fix for now, that would help. But in the long run, I don't think it should be visible to agents.
Katie Holt
Tetiana Gron please remove this from the banner asap. It is definitely negatively impacting agent morale. I just turned on CSAT and was very unpleasantly surprised to discover this feature. A QA agent can still access CSAT data and scoring from Explore, no need to access it within the Support interface. Having this be a permission would be ideal.
Pedro Rodrigues
Hi Tetiana Gron , this is certainly a very broad topic with many valid use cases!
Although there is a difference between seeing one and not the other (ie ticket event vs banner), I would personally consider them together: either we'd show the banner and the event, or nothing at all.
Ideally, this option to hide/show CSAT data on the ticket UI could be available in Custom Roles, which would allow me to set up a proper QA role with access to CSAT information within the ticket.
On the other hand, this feature may be something more important that should be available regardless of someone's Zendesk plan. Therefore, the setting could probably reside under Ticket Settings, for example. In this case, CSAT would either be visible to everyone (when visibility is enabled) or just to Admins (when visibility is disabled), for example. And if the latter, a CSAT-related QA process would likely be initiated in Explore.
Additionally, off the top of my head, such a setting should also exclude any satisfaction-related attributes from being used in Views, for example: if agents are allowed to build personal Views, disabling CSAT visibility should not allow them to create a personal view to see their tickets' CSAT rating.
Hope this helps, have a great day!