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Feature Request: Allow navigation between form editor and form conditions
Publicado 24 may 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Currently, you can only view a form's conditions from the ⋮ button on the main forms page. It would be better if you could also access these while editing the form's fields/order.
Description/Use Cases:
You're modifying a form. You want to remove a field, but you get an error that it's used in the conditions. To edit those conditions, you need to go back to the list of all forms, find your form, and use the ⋮ menu to get to the conditions page. You can't navigate back to the form editor from here either, so you need to go back to the list of forms and click it again. You try to remove the field, but it's still in a condition... oops, you only removed it from the agent conditions, not the end user conditions, so now you're making the trip again.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
The navigation required is surprising and not intuitive. The additional navigation required is distracting & wastes time. Also, this hurts the discoverability of the conditional fields feature, as I imagine most admins are used to the ⋮ menu containing options to deactivate/clone the item, not as a gateway to a discrete feature config page.
1 comentario
Sydney Neubauer
+1 Definitely have run into this. We cloned a form as it was easier than creating a new one from scratch. We went through and tried to remove fields but they were in conditions so we had to go back and edit both before we could even begin editing the form.
I would also add that when editing the fields, you are unaware that there are dropdown options within the field used as a conditional condition until you hit SAVE. So then you have to cancel your edits (even if you may other changes, you will need to redo them when you come back), go to forms, go to conditions, remove the conditions associated with the selections, then go back to the edit fields.