Draft mode in composer - We want your feedback :)

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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Publicado 16 may 2023

Draft mode in composer is now available on Agent Workspace. Now, instead of composing messages as internal notes then copying them over to public replies, you can write a draft first  in the public reply composer, then send it when you’re ready to submit the update.

For more information about draft mode, see these articles: 

Why is Zendesk making this change?

We found that many users have been using the internal notes functionality to draft a response without risking it being sent publicly by accident when pressing the Submit button or Enter key. While this workaround serves the purpose, we wanted to make it easier to draft a response with built-in functionality rather than a workaround. Draft mode is our way of providing our customers with an easier and more efficient way to draft messages, without requiring them to copy and paste from an Internal note.

We’d love to hear from you and what you think of this new feature. Please share in the comments below let us know how you’re using this new capability, what’s your impression of it, and how we can further  improve this experience! Thank you!



47 comentarios

Hi! I don't seem to have this option in my instance. is it feature gated? Screenshot: https://app.screencast.com/0ZuxlD4MCmxyy 


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Priyanka Vallabh - This feature is currently rolling out. It will be available on your account sometime between today and end of this week :)


hey Team, 

On behalf of Paul Calvert and myself, we'd like to submit the following feature request for draft composer: 

  • -Allow any agent, not just the ticket assignee to be able to view draft responses on tickets. This can allow agents to help each other compose messages together and be reviewed prior to sending it out to the customer. 

TIA :)


We'd appreciate the ability to have draft mode as well within internal notes.


I sometimes find that I have part of a message written that I don't plan to finish/send until later, but there are fields that I still need to update. This would prevent me from accidentally submitting a half-written message when updating those fields, but would it be possible to add an option for updates except for the message itself to be submitted?


This change clearly misconstrues the original issue raised by your customers.

Your post states:

an easier and more efficient way to draft messages, without requiring them to copy and paste from an Internal note.

An easier and efficient way to draft messages is to reintroduce the original functionality: let users simply toggle the Public & Private mode without clearing the input field so that we are not "required to copy and paste". Remember: Zendesk introduced this "requirement" themselves — in 2022 this suddenly became an unnecessary "requirement"!

Allowing admins to select the default state for their agents is helpful — but the "Draft" mode does not maintain state across tickets, so an agent must enable it for every new ticket. This introduces needless mode switching for every ticket, another Zendesk "requirement".

Agents understand that Private mode is a visually distinct function — the entire input field turns yellow! Toggling a tiny "Draft" icon does not clearly convey purpose, and becomes a confusing blocker if you accidentally leave "Draft mode" enabled when you click Submit. The Internal note and Draft mode use the same icon, too — if they're meant to be distinct functions, they should have different iconography:


If you genuinely want to improve the experience, I suggest revisiting the original feedback post.


We often use internal notes to draft responses that requires a review before submitting. This step is important for collaboration and coaching. If draft mode enabled other agents to view and collaborate then it would be very valuable. Without that collaboration, it has limited value in our workflow. Thanks for considering our feedback.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Kaleb Micklatcher - Thanks for your feedback. I've documented your feedback and we'll internally explore solutions for this. :)

Hello DL - Thanks for your feedback. Switching channel takes 2 clicks in Agent Workspace vs using draft mode to compose responses should take only 1 extra click. If you turn on draft mode once on a ticket, we remember your preference across all the next tickets you open. You won't need to turn draft mode off before sending your response - you can click on submit and then "send" and draft mode will stay on. Appreciate your feedback around having the icon similar to internal note's and needing a better visual indicator for draft mode. We'll explore further. Thanks!

Hello Tahlia Sutton - Thanks for your feedback. We'll definitely explore further, thanks!


Hi, will there be an API endpoint for this under Ticket Comments?


I have had good experiences with the draft mode.
But I would like a built-in zendesk spell checker because the browser one doesn't always work. And unfortunately errors occur on the part of the agents.



Draft mode is effective to avoid wrong post.
so I wish force to use Draft mode to agents by Admin setting.



We want that too, to force agents use draft mode.


It seems unnecessary when you can do exactly the same in an Internal Note, and then change it to a Public Reply.  Just a shame that you've now kind of broken that, and we have to copy and paste between the 2 options!


Vicki Irvine Internal notes were never considered a draft in Zendesk. Every time you change from one to another it is considered as a different message and you have to type again.
The purpose of internal notes is exactly what it says in the name, to be used internally, in most cases between agents.


Vinicius Henrique da Silva yes we understand the difference between Internal Notes and Public Replies - but previously if you started typing text in one of them you could switch to the other without having to manually copy/paste.  Why has this been removed?  That's a big step backwards.


Vicki Irvine and when did you notice this change?
I've been using Zendesk for almost 1 year and it's never been the way you mention.
Whenever I need to switch between the options, the field is blank and it is even possible to send simultaneously.


Vinicius Henrique da Silva we were moved on to the new Agent Workspace UI this week and it's changed since then.  It always worked the way I described prior to this update (for the last 3+ years I've been using Zendesk).


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강제 업데이트로 인해 복사 붙여넣기 기능으로 답변 옮기고 있습니다. 다시 이전 기능으로 되돌려 주세요. 초안 작성 기능은 '선택 사항'으로 해주세요.  강제적으로 사용 방식을 바꾸는 것을 매우 불편 합니다.


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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary

It would be more helpful to have draft function the same as an email draft, where when you close the ticket or your browser the draft is saved. It doesn't seem overly useful to have to keep the ticket open to reatain the "draft". The way it functions now, there is no difference between draft and starting to write a response and just not hitting send until you are ready to send it. 


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks all for providing feedback.

Hello Andre Lee - As part of making improvements in draft mode, we'll look into having an API endpoint for this. Thanks!

Hello Vinicius Henrique da Silva - Thanks and definitely. Introducing spell checker is a part of our priorities and we're currently exploring solutions. We'll announce once we're close to releasing.

Hello 加藤早織 - Noted. We'll explore more.

Hello Vicki Irvine - Thanks for your feedback. The reason we have different behavior in Agent Workspace vs Legacy Workspace is because:

  • Multiple channel architecture - Zendesk support has multiple channels from where tickets can originate. As a result agents and end users can have ticket conversations via various channels per ticket. Different channels support different text formatting: example email is rich text but chat is plaintext.
  • Proper content treatment per channel type and audience - e.g. a chat ticket can have a plain text chat editor but at the same time provide an editor with rich text capabilities to post private notes. It is not possible to preserve the same content from the chat editor (plain text) to the internal note (rich text formatting) as switching between channels will lose the message formatting. Also semantically it doesn’t make sense to be the same as it targets different audiences. Same with public vs private note - the audiences are entirely different.
  • Customized UI per channel - The different editors/composers per channel allow for providing a dedicated uniquely configured composer UI to accommodate the type of content each channel requires.
  • Unlimited UI scalability and unification - This separation of channels allows for the omnicomposer UI to scale to unlimited number of communication channels combinations along with their associated composers. This allows for great channel scalability in a streamlined unified way.
Along with this, we have several customers who like to compose internal notes while interacting with their customers on public reply and that's why do not want text to carry over.
We will continue to make improvements in draft mode to be able to fix for all use cases.
Hello Judy Correia - Thanks for the feedback. We'll look into retaining drafts longer. Thanks!


Our team just migrated to Agent Workspace and this change to Drafts and the separate text for Internal/Public notes is the biggest point of frustration. In our team, at least, internal notes served both as a drafting field, but as part of our review process to allow other agents to review a reply before the assignee sends it publicly. With Internal and Public notes no longer sharing the text (i.e. no one-click toggle between public and internal for the reply that you have spent 10-15 minutes working on) field, this breaks that core process of our client relations and customer service. It has turned a one-click process into a 5-click process.

Additionally, this draft feature is redundant for those who already use the Cancel Ticket Submit app, which provides a better system since it allows you to review your response anyways. I would personally prefer to have seen Cancel Ticket Submit integrated as a native feature, which could be set on a system level, than resources spent on developing this drafts button.

I don't yet see the value in separate text boxes for Internal/Public notes since you can only submit one or the other (and when you submit, the other is erased), so as a smart resolution to a lot of the backlash I've been seeing to this Drafts feature it would be helpful to go back to a shared text field between Public and Internal notes. This would let Zendesk customers choose which method works best for them.


Hi Zendesk

The upgrade to Agent Workspace is negatively impacting my team. In Zendesk support when we are typing in the text box if you start typing something in Public Reply and then decide to change to internal note the text disappears. This is extremely frustrating and time consuming as we have to remember the text and re type all the text again in the text box. Please can you ensure that the text/image stay in place when switching from public reply to internal note. 

Best Regards



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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Kav
Just to clarify. The text is not deleted or lost when you switch from a public reply to an internal note or vice versa. You can still switch back to see it, copy it, etc. See Saving drafts across channels


Hi Lisa Kelly,

Just to clarify, like many other replies in this feedback thread, Kav Chatha is stating that the loss of text when swapping between public & private modes is frustrating, time consuming, and a confusing UX from earlier versions of Zendesk. 

It amazes me that the feedback in this thread and other threads is crystal clear, and yet Zendesk themselves cannot understand our problem or interpret our feedback correctly..

if Zendesk continues to make changes just for the sake of making changes with no admission of user feedback, then Zendesk will continue to turn a base of promoters, the folks who care enough to come to these forums and share candid feedback, into detractors. If a Zendesk competitor that listens to user feedback appeared today, we would no longer be in this forum leaving replies on threads that persist for years: example 1, example 2, example 3

Dear Zendesk Product Managers, please take our feedback seriously and stop trying to workaround us with faux product "fixes" — Draft mode does not fix this change, and I urge you to revisit the original functionality.


Amisha Sharma regarding this at the end of your long reply about Agency Workspace;

Along with this, we have several customers who like to compose internal notes while interacting with their customers on public reply and that's why do not want text to carry over.

I'll put to one side for a moment that none of my 50+ colleagues have ever expressed the need to do that (but maybe that's just us...).

So if Public and Internal are supposedly such very different beasts now, why not have 2 completely separate boxes?  That would give a proper and very clear differentiation between Public and Internal - and it would also make it easier to copy between the 2 when required.


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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

I just wanted to make sure that Kav knows that the text is not actually deleted when you switch channels. Not everyone knows that. For your larger issue that Draft mode is not the solution you were looking for, I'll leave that to the Product Management team. See Amisha's reply here


Another vote to retain the text when switching between internal note and public reply in the new agent workspace. 

And yet another vote to also allow other agents (light agents included) to view message drafts. This is super useful for reviewing the work of newer agents before the message is sent and--if a draft of a public reply was visible to all other agents--could then easily be sent without having to copy paste.

Thank you!



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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

While I like the concept of draft mode, it does not work as we were hoping. 

Current behavior:

  • You select draft mode
  • You type your response
  • You hit submit
  • It prompts you with a big screen that greys out what you typed "are you sure you want to send"

Desired behavior:

  • When you are using draft mode and hit submit, it posts an internal note that is viewable for other members and can still be edited and then submitted when approved
  • It would be an added bonus if other folks could edit it too (if their role permitted - like a manager) and they can approve what is to be sent

The desired functionality for draft mode is to have it proofread by team members


I have to agree with the previous posts, that a real draft function where working together on replies would be very helpful. 

Adam Glover mentioned the Cancel Ticket Submit app and I believe that that functionality combined with the possibility to collaborate on a response would be ideal. What is also missing in the app (and the draft function) from our point of view is the possibility to have a glance at how the ticket will look like for the customer that receives it. 

Either integrated in this function or seperately from it, I think this could improve the feeling of security especially for agents that are new to Zendesk and new to the concept of sending a response without seeing all elements of it (such as which previous messages are being sent with it, as it would be with a classic mail response). 


Too bad you guys broke markdown... the new internal note editor is horrible. We use complex macros to auto-populate internal notes with tons of markdown and now all that is broken. Jira does this too and they suck at it. One rule of thumb over all my years of using markdown, DO NOT RENDER IT ON THE FLY. It makes it extremely buggy and hard to edit while working on crafting a message. Bring back the preview function, PLEASE!!!


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