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Is it possible to pass the organization name into a custom field of the ticket?
Publicado 04 oct 2023
In order to then map it with another tool, I would like to have the organisation name of the requester as a custom field of the ticket.
Is it possible to achieve this with a trigger/automation that would auto-fill the field with the default organisation of the requester (in case they have multiple)?
Many thanks in advance!
3 comentarios
Cláudia Araújo
Thanks so much for the quick reply Brian!
I have tried this but I am getting the below in response:
Any thoughts to what might causing this? Am I using the wrong endpoint?
Thanks again!
Efrat Barak Zadok
what is the answer here? :)
This is possible but will require some development on your side, as this is not a straight out-of-the-box solution. Please note that Zendesk does not support or guarantee custom code as this fails outside of our support scope.
These steps are only for instructional purposes (i used user field, but the same logic follows for organization field)
1. Create a webhook (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408839108378) and select Triggers and Automation (screenshot)
In the name put whatever you want to call it, in Endpoint put: https://bluumhelp.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/13126643 , Request Method PUT, Format JSON, and the method you want to authenticate it with.
2. Create both fields, ticket and user field, if you already have them, skip this step. We will need the field id and user field key:
3. We need to create a trigger that will make a call to our webhook whenever a set of conditions is met, so you can set whatever you want this action to trigger, I only set the Ticket is Updated for test purposes:
The actions is what matters here, select Notify an active webhook and the webhook you created in step 1. Put there:
`"ticket": {`
`"custom_fields": [{ "id": 19355046105108, "value": ""}]`
This is important, change the id for your ticket field id, and in the value placeholder the last part after custom_fields you need to put the user field key I have shown you before.