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Facing issue in getting records with this API for performing pagination
Publicado 02 dic 2024
Hi Team! I am working with this API - “/api/v2/organizations.json created>2024-12-02T09:40:17Z?page[size]=100”, where this API is giving records eventhough if the timefilter is next day and also it is giving all the records which are created previously, As per the behaviour it should give the records created for that timeline but instead if we specify tommorow's date it is giving previous records and even for present day if records are not created also, it is giving all previous records.
Please suggest a way to correct the API to get the expected results.
1 comentario
Erica Girges
Hi Mouni,
It looks like you're using the List Organizations API which will always give you all the organizations data. In order to specify what it is you're looking for, I recommend looking at using the Incremental Export API for Organizations. Hope this helps!