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User segment [Matching users] Add sorting and filtering in UI
Publicado 20 dic 2024
Since “the organization is ignored for agents” the Matching users page from User segment shows all users from the matched organization (Filter by organizations) + all agents which is very tricky to see in Matching users 100+ records.

It is hard to detect if there are no random users who do not belong to the filtered organization because when you follow “View all matching users” page there is no filter, there is no sorting by organization to check if all matched users are correct, so you need to click all pages to make sure all is okay.

At least filters by role, organization, tags are required + sorting by role or organization (tag optional).
1 comentario
Emily Reidy
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!