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Feature request: Staging/Draft live ticket forms

Publication le 22 mars 2021

It would be helpful to allow versioning for a ticket form and conditions, so you could launch changes at a specific time without impacting the current ticket form availability.

Example: We need to swap out 10 fields on a form that has 150+ fields, and update conditions. Currently, you can only deactivate the form, make changes, publish, test, repeat as necessary, or make agent-only. Otherwise, changes are live.

Idea: Allow for forms to be manipulated and tested a la Guide articles prior to being published without taking live form down.

Sandbox is great, but since there is no way to port changes from one to the other, you'd still need to rebuild everything + test in production to make sure it's all working.



2 commentaire

Great idea, Samuel.


YES! We definitely need this. 


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