New Ticket Desktop Notification
Publication le 14 janv. 2015
I would like for my agents to be notified on their desktop of new tickets assigned to them or their group.
This way they don't get email notifications. Should work just like the "Chat" notifications.
112 commentaire
We have been using Zendesk for 3 months and i've been searching on how to activate this, to find out that it is not available as standard and that its still not developed after 6 years of requests is baffling. What other priorities have Zendesk had that have super-seeded such a basic function of a servicedesk system. The email notification is not a suitable alternative.. we are already spammed with updates, new notifications will get lost.. Please Zendesk. An update on when not if, this will be available.
AgriVision Equipment Group
I echo Debbie's comments and tried to get anyone from Zendesk to respond. It's appearing that you don't care about the customers' feedback anymore :(.
Nicole S. - Community Manager
David Brandin
I also believe that Zendesk should have this as a native function. Many other platforms have this basic feature and i'm beyond shook that this feature is not implemented. Seeing that it's been on the "to do list" for 6 years is beyond exceed its time for creation and execution...
@... Nicole S. - Community Manager
Ben Wright
Any news on this?
Ron DePasquale
Beginning to wonder if we should seek a new provider with such basic functionality missing and on hold for so long. If it's not on the radar then just tell us that
David Brandin
@Ron Depasquale definitely agree with you
Ben Wright
I have defects open that haven’t been touched in almost a year to add to this irritation.
This is definitely a must for basic support, it's very easy to miss SLAs when we are not notified. Even a flashing browser tab would be enough to take the agents away from other tasks and back to a ticket. Moreover, this is available in Zendesk talk already but not for Support?
Matt Harding
This was a major part of the reason my company chose to leave Zendesk.
It's really astounding that users have been asking for this basic (and necessary) feature for over 6 years, and no one at Zendesk has done anything about it.
Anthony Smith
Yes, it is incredible that we are still talking about this???
Amie Brennan
Hi Everyone,
Whilst there isn't an option built into Zendesk for this yet (yes sometimes it does take them a long while to implement new features because the architecture under the hood needs to changed or updated before they can build the new feature) - there is certainly a very nice 3rd party app from the Zendesk marketplace which can do this for you!
Check out the SweetHawk Notify app here:
You can even customize what you want each notification to see with this app. It's pretty darn awesome and I highly recommend it. I've used this for many of my Zendesk clients, who love the ability to be able to customize the notifications to the agents through this app.
Hopefully, this helps you in your quest for Zendesk pop up notifications. :)
Amisha Sharma
Hey everyone, thank you all for taking the time to share your feedback with us! Notifications is something our team is looking into revamping as a whole so keep sharing your use-cases with us. How would you like these desktop notifications to look? Should agents have the ability to toggle these notifications off? We won't be able to provide a timeline in the next 6-9 months, however, our team will continue to monitor this post to ensure we capture your ideas or concerns. We'll also be sure to update this post when we do have more information to share with you.
Amisha Sharma
Hey everyone, thank you all for taking the time to share your feedback with us! Notifications is something our team is looking into revamping as a whole so keep sharing your use-cases with us. How would you like these desktop notifications to look? Should agents have the ability to toggle these notifications off? We won't be able to provide a timeline in the next 6-9 months, however, our team will continue to monitor this post to ensure we capture your ideas or concerns. We'll also be sure to update this post when we do have more information to share with you.
@... This is great news! If you can provide API/app support so that API notification events can trigger desktop notifications from an app, that would be extremely useful and appreciated.
For example:
Steve Klein
@.... Please do not re-invent the wheel.
Use the existing Webpush notification standard as defined by HTTP version 2. They've been around for years and are supported by Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox, on macOS, Windows, Linux, and ChromeOS. Those browsers all leverage the native notification API on their respective operating systems. As long as the browser app is open, notifications can be received and displayed
If you're going to build desktop apps, then please use the native notification manager provided by Mac, Windows, etc.
Both these solutions allow your programmers to leverage the existing standards for notifications, and allow your users to leverage the built-in tools in their browsers and operating systems for managing notifications.
Sophie Humphrey
It seems pretty ignorant that this has been an open issue/request at least since 2013 and even now you refuse to give a timeline to your paying customer base within 6 months.
Your entire business is built on providing software for teams where everything is generally always time-sensitive for customers (Support), so it's necessary to have a simple, built-in notification system.
I would like to see a notification bell in the top right corner between the Search and Talk Icons, which plays a sound (regardless of which window/app you're on) and flashes red when a new ticket is assigned or an existing ticket is updated (persistently until opened, opening shows a more detailed notification timeline with time stamps, customer name/org, clickable, etc.). The notification sound should be easy to toggle on and off per user.
I'd also like to simultaneously see a concise PERSISTENT text notification (similar to the current ones shown when anything is manually updated) stating what happened ("New ticket assigned to you", "New comment on ticket assigned to you", etc.)
Steve Klein
Sophie Humphrey wrote:
I don't know that I'd call it ignorance. They know what they're doing, but they apparently have contempt for their customers.
For anyone else reading this: Are there other ticketing systems that show proper notifications? I bet I can get a great licensing deal if I switch from Zendesk.
Josef Prandstetter
We would also like to see this feature!
Our full time support engineers are in the meantime used to it (= not having notifications), but we have a higher number of colleagues with a full agent license, but are not working full time in support.
They would like to turn on/off notifications based on:
to bring their awareness to Zendesk.
Joining this request train!
Feature Request Summary:
I'd like to be able to allow sound and/or pop-up browser notifications on mac when one of my tickets is updated. In-app notifications would also be good. Something like the new chat messaging update, but for your owned tickets.
Description/Use Cases:
As a manager, I don't own many tickets in Zendesk. I am not in the queue or in my Zendesk task regularly throughout the day. Most days, I check when I think to. That leaves emails waiting that I would have liked to reply to earlier. The fact that my only notification option for new email... is another email, just doesn't meet my needs!
That said, I can see how as a regular agent getting notifications for every ticket update could be overwhelming. One should be able to turn them off or on, and ideally choose what status (open, new etc) sends a notification.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
I lose time, and if my agents re working on anything outside the queue, it would allow them to dig in and focus on that other task without needing to check in on Zendesk.
Nena Stewart
Amisha Sharma is there an ETA on when this will be available? Sorely needing this feature...
Christopher Wooten
I am in the same boat. Where is this in the cycle? It has been past 9 months since the official comment Amisha Sharma. Can you provide an update?
Steve Klein
Sophie Humphrey wrote "this has been an open issue/request at least since 2013"
It looks like Julian Gomez started this thread on January 13, 2015.
So it's only been 7 years, 5 months, and 9 days.
(I wonder if anyone at Zendesk is embarrassed by this thread?)