Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation
Non planifié
Publication le 22 oct. 2009
Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.
Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address. This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.
Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.
518 commentaire
Marco Eegdeman
5 years waiting for a text field instead of a dropdownlist....???????
Zendesk shame on you.
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Zendesk's Andrey Sarapulov has provided an excellent article on how to manage CCs using a variety of tools. It does require a bit of Zendesk experience and is not a solution for everyone, but it will allow you to set a default CC end user per organisation.
There are too many steps to describe here, but you can create a custom organisation field to hold the target email and then modify Andrey's instructions for adding the current user to the CC list to add the user in the custom organisation field instead.
The URL target would be something like:
For others needing a solution now, Andrey gives a few useful examples.
Christopher Thomas
That is a good article and a decent work around. However, in our own zendesk we deal with schools. The schools are typically setup within districts and share the same email domain. We deal with IT contacts in each of the schools and so we need to add the IT contact, from a particular school, to each of the tickets created by that school not the organization. I tried to put in a custom field so that we could use a unique identifier and then add a trigger but alas, you cannot trigger off a field with fill in content. So, we have had to make each of the end users "light agents" and compromise our ticketing system to get around the issue. When people ask for functionality it isn't typically frivolous. It's because they need the functionality in order to implement tickets in the way that best work for their helpdesk.
My point, stated again, is that when people talk on the forums your developers should listen. For years I have watched forums requesting features and for years I have watched them get ignored. If you are able to type an email address, for a user who isn't even a registered Zendesk user, into the ticket CC field then there is no reason this can't be true in an trigger as well. This is a simple case of "Oh, the user community wants ...........? Hmmm, no I don't feel like what the user community wants is a priority."
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
@Christopher Thomas
To use Andrey's solution, rather than have a custom field per organisation you could either:
Your trigger should be able to test for:
...and then action the Notification to add the CC.
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
@Christopher, apologies, you are of course testing for the Requester:School in the trigger.
Christopher Thomas
If I am misunderstanding then I apologize but I see two things here which could cause an issue.
Am I understanding correctly?
Thank you
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
It certainly looks like triggers can now work as you need.
If you have thousands of customers with no automated method of assigning an organisation, it is going to involve some pain.
Customer lists are a great way of reviewing new users. Although you cannot filter by empty values, you can group by the custom user field which may help identify the blanks.
You are best able to gauge the best use of organisations for your Zendesk (school v district) but now users can have multiple organisations (Plus and Enterprise plans) which gives you more options.
Christopher Thomas
I'm not sure where you have the requester set as a school but the requester would be a teacher, administrator, student, or sales rep in our case based on end user name via SSO. As I stated earlier, we automate adding users to organizations but this is based on the email address. A school district often shares one email domain across multiple schools. For example, Los Angeles Unified School District uses for many of their schools (over 400 of them) employing over 40,000 teachers. Currently we use an organization of District name - with the rule to add users from but again, this puts them into a large pool and makes it difficult to generate reports to see which particular schools are having issues and may need additional support, training, etc. Granted, this is an extreme case where they are the second largest school district in the county but I think you see my point. Even a smaller school district with only 25 schools would create several hundred end users. We have the upgraded Zendesk plan but multiple organizations won't help when you have to manually add them.
Regardless of what is above in our thread this is off topic either way. Our point was that you cannot trigger to add a CC for a user who is not an agent not about tagging within organizations.
In a short response to what you have above I will simply say this. I don't see how changing the requester would help in this instance. The requester would be an end user which would still mean that we would need to tag each user to an individual school. It still leaves us unable to build a trigger around a custom text field in the ticket. And, even if we added every school ID to a custom dropbox (which can be used in triggers) it wouldn't really matter because we still cannot add end users to the CC trigger. We would instead need to make them all light agents compromising our Zendesk as far as I can tell.
Dan Bristol
We very much need this, as the workaround is not ideal at all.
One of our organizations needs to notify an e-mail group, so all the operators in the lab are aware of instrument issues. If any of the operators reply to the e-mail from the notify target trigger, then it creates a new ticket and invokes the trigger again, sending another e-mail to the same group.
Also, it would be great if they could reply to the e-mail and have it captured in the ticket. That way we can collect additional operator observations on a given instrument issue.
Matt Razi
Any update on this feature to add non agents as CC's automatically?
Dan Bristol
Maybe another update on the timeline would be nice! This has taken way too long.
This is an especially outrageous scenario considering that replies to the target notifications create a new ticket, and then again invoke any notification triggers you have in place. If you can’t deliver the whole fix, can you at least address this issue? It does not look good. Maybe have the target notifications sent out from another address? You could also have a bounce back e-mail that the ticket was not updated, so the customer knows, and direct them to sign on and add to the ticket.
Brett Hill
I have a customer really upset at my company because Zendesk cannot do this. My business case is that my team is a Tier III escalation team to our customers, who are Service Providers, Tier II teams. My customer, the SP, wants their entire Tier II team notified when one of their Tier II escalates an issue to my Tier III team.
Can you please make this a priority.
Adobe Advertising Cloud
IMO, this is related to the other long standing thread on customer subscriptions here:
There are multiple ways this could be resolved:
Philippe Balogh
Why does it take that long? It will be 6 years soon that Zendesk is aware of this important and needed functionality. I'm very disappointed.
Brett Hill
ew! Now I am rethinking my choice to move to Zendesk.
Deepa Daniels
Thanks for your feedback and patience. Though its been a long time coming, there are currently some solutions in the works. I will be back with another update in the near future.
Joel Hellman
That's fantastic news Deepa! We really missed this! Are you planning to include the ability to add CC's via macros as well?
Triggers and automations more important for us, but being able to CC end-user via macros would also be very useful.
Our use case for macros is that we have macros for scenarios where we escalate cases where we want to add CC to fixed end-users. It would be very nice if macros supported this, so we don't have to use the more complicated macro-adds-tag-trigger-fires-on-tag setup, since that setup is too complicated for non-admins to deal with, and we would like those non-admin power-users who create macros with CC's themselves
Deepa Daniels
To clarify, what is being planned is the ability for end-users to CC's others via Help Centres "submit a request" web form, and also subscribe to organisation tickets in "My activities". Which should cover some of the use cases mentioned in this thread. It does not include agents adding end-users CCs via triggers and automations.
@Joel, I apologize if my lack of clarity created false hope.
Joel Hellman
Thanks for clarifying, I think it could be useful for others to avoid update the original request with that information; reading the original description gives the impression that we are talking about triggers and automations.
While on the topic then, do you have a roadmap to implementing addition/removal or CCs via automations/triggers/macros? I cannot find any requests for that, maybe others assumed this request covered those scenarios as well.
I did note the request: but I haven't seen any feedback from product managers on that one.
Product feedback was marked as Not Planned, but it's quite old.
Wayne Kelly
@Deepa, FYI, that definitely does **not** meet our use case requirements.
Please add the ability to set CCs on a ticket by trigger and automation rules.
Joe Hettinger
I agree with Dave, this would be a huge benefit to be able to add a cc based on a trigger.
In our case we have customers that require us to CC in a specific person anytime one of his end users opens a ticket. So if Organization = X then CC in a specific person.
Joe Hettinger
I agree with Dave, this would be a huge benefit to be able to add a cc based on a trigger.
In our case we have customers that require us to CC in a specific person anytime one of his end users opens a ticket. So if Organization = X then CC in a specific person.
Chris Fawley
Hi Deepa, I'm very confused by your statement. You had said:
To clarify, what is being planned is the ability for end-users to CC's others via Help Centres "submit a request" web form, and also subscribe to organisation tickets in "My activities". Which should cover some of the use cases mentioned in this thread. It does not include agents adding end-users CCs via triggers and automations.
The heading of this post is "ADD END-USER AS CC VIA TRIGGER OR AUTOMATION"
Here is also the description of what it says is planned:
Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.
Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address. This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.
Your post has me confused and I'm wondering if you put it on the wrong forum as it doesn't line up with the heading or description of what people need at all.
Dan Bristol
That's something I guess, but it is not even close to what people have been begging for for 5 years.
Presumably users will be able to subscribe and get updates, and perhaps you can make this work for a group of people that needs to be updated (lab operators about instrument status in our case), by turning an e-mail group into a user.
Questions though:
Will subscribed users be able to pick and choose what information they get; like Created tickets from the organization vs. Solved ticket updates?
Will Subscribed Users be able to reply and add content to tickets whether it was sent out to a individual or a group?
Lastly, and most importantly, because this problem is unacceptable, If subscribers reply to ticket updates, will this fix get around the problem of duplicate tickets created when people reply via the e-mail target function, which will then re-invoke any triggers for new / created tickets?
Erin the mentor
Hi all,
Apologies for all of the confusion here. Deepa was responding to a the comment from Shannon that included requests for end-users to be able to subscribe to an org again and for end-users to be able to add CC's to their own tickets via Help Center. There are a few other threads where these are discussed in more detail, if you're interested in a dedicated conversation on those pieces:
The most popular thread for adding CC's via macros can be found here:
And finally, as far as I know, this is the main thread for adding end-user CC's via triggers and automations. We'll try to be better about keeping a single conversation going here, but as you can imagine that can be challenging sometimes.
As for having a way to automatically add end-users as CC's to certain tickets, I have been aware of this thread and will be re-reviewing your use cases over the next couple of days.
Chris Fawley
Thanks Erin!!
After all these years and so many customers requesting the same thing I am appalled to hear that you are only "re-reviewing" the request to add CC's via triggers.
We are now at a point where we have started looking at other help desk solutions to replace Zendesk as the "Adding CC's via triggers" is that critical to us.
Surely since so many of your customers are asking for this functionality it's time for you to actually start doing rather than just "reviewing" what we are all demanding?
Adding a field into which we type an email address rather than having a drop down list really can't be that difficult to implement, I've been a web op's techie for many years now and can think of many ways that this could be implemented easily,
It's time to act and not just sit back and take the cash.
Andrejs Rozitis
+1 Erin, we need this!!! Please get your droogies on it :D
Qumu, Inc. (Hub: qumu)
Plus one from our team as well.
Paul French
Hi Erin,
I am looking to setup triggers to auto CC Account Managers to their clients as their ticket gets created
+ 1 for this feature here as it looks like it would solve the issue.