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Outgoing ring tone too high

Publication le 04 mai 2021

Hi, our agents says that the outgoing ring tone is too high, especially if you compare with the incoming ring tone. If they lower the volume on their headsets the customer will be almost silent, which makes the agent higher the volume again, and when next call back (or outgoing call) comes it will be too loud. Our agents are almost afraid of outgoing calls.

Is there a way of adjusting the volume?



2 commentaire

My solution to this, as an agent, is: remove the headset while it's ringing, then when someone answers the call, put your headset back on your head.

Connecting outcall and inbound ringtone volumes are too loud – Zendesk help


It's seriously awful. Even on an external speaker.. I put my palm flat against the speaker when it's ringing. There's got to be a fix for this.


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