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Customizing view of Incident tickets within Problem ticket
Publication le 27 déc. 2021
When you work with a problem ticket you kan klick on the Incident button to see all the connected indicents.
The presented attributes is like this:
I would like to customize the view or second best, add the requesters organisation to the list.
19 commentaire
Shayan Moussawi
I would also appreciate this feature.
Feature Request Summary:
MVP: Allowing to customize the Incident view and being able to add custom fields to it.
Additional: Ideally also being able to pull a CSV file from that view.
Additional: Further being able to use the "next" button in the incident view. Essentially allowing them to work like normal Tickets, allowing us to quickly iterate through the incidents connected to a Ticket
Description/Use Cases:
Currently incident views do not offer all that much information. I would like to pull the customers user ID (which is a custom field in our Zendesk) in order to directly give our developers the relevant information necessary
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This is critical for our business as we need to provide our developers with relevant information and cases with impacted customers when a problem arises. This would streamline that process a lot.
Ruth PCL
+1 for all of this Shayan Moussawi! This my exact use case as well. I had to add a tag to feed a view to export to csv just to give my dev team the list of customer user IDs who were impacted by an incident. This only works for still open problems and agents have to manually tag for it to be effective. It would be so much easier if we could just edit and export the incident view!
Jenna Jordan
I also vote for this. When we have a Problem Ticket open, it's around an outage and then has resident tickets linked - It would be great to see Unit numbers as a column when looking at the incident tickets. Thanks, everyone - hopefully this is a customizable feature that Zendesk will offer VERY soon!!
Meg Gunther
We also need organization field added to the view. We need to know the true scale of an outage or bug real time. This would give us that.
Mathias Lakshøj-Hansen
The organisation column is more essential than the description in our case.
As previously stated we also use problem tickets in terms of service degradation or outage.
In most cases we need to contact Microsoft regarding this service for every customer who is affected.
Needing to open every ticket to find the organisation is somewhat anoying but more important slowing down our work in a critical situation.
Elsa Coughlin
I would like to be able to customize the view as well. Here is a similar request:
Tracy Leighton
This is critical for our business as we need to provide our developers with relevant information and cases with impacted customers when a problem arises. This would streamline that process a lot.
Jebby Miller
This would be incredibly beneficial to us, as well, as we'd like to see the Organization field for linked incident tickets and we have a custom field for the repair ID that we would also like to see in that view. Permitting full customization of this view just makes so much sense.
Kwaku Asamoah
Hey team,
We would also find value in this where we can display more important information about incidents and maintain data integrity.
Marcelino De Miguel
From a B2B service model perspective, it is essential to at least have in the views the organization.
Jake Warren
This is such a big miss in requirements when rolling out the incident view from a problem ticket. The biggest use case for leveraging problem/incident tickets is wanting to stay organized and in control when there are widespread issues impacting your customers, and those issues can span across more than 1 customer in a lot of scenarios. Organization is a must-have column in this view to get a quick understanding of where the tickets are primarily coming from. This seems like such an easy improvement, and I'm disappointed to discover that this has been an outstanding request for nearly a year and a half.
Aaron Doane
Bumping. Not being able to customize this view really limits the functionality.
During a live critical incident, the Problem Ticket is mission control. As a support manager, I need to be able to tell our dev teams which customers, servers, applications, etc., are affected in real-time.
Jill Bragg
Mirroring what other folks have said - at the very least we need the organization in there.
Tobias Brolykke
Post Title:
Customize the Incidents view
Feature Request Summary:
When entering a Problem, then opening the related Incidents, I want to be able to filter/sort and customize this view.
Description/Use Cases:
When our Product once in a while have a Problem (and sometimes multiple), and we see a lot of reports, we would like to collect them all and be able to mass reply to them.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This is huge. We usually have at least one (not uncommon to have 5) "open" Problems at a time.
Other necessary information or resources:
Sydney Neubauer
+1 to the above. I would like to add that the Linked tickets should also show in real time. I have noticed that if you were to update one of the tickets, it doesn't show it was updated in the Linked tickets view. For example, change a ticket to pending, it will still show as the previous status
Chris Rogers
This feature would be a significant improvement. Our QA and Support teams use Zendesk for tracking bugs reported by customers in production.
When we confirm a bug, we create a Problem ticket and attach each reported incident. We would like to be able to customize the information that is shown in the incident ticket list. Namely, the organization of the requestor to allow us to quickly identify which customers are affected.
Predz (StarRez Inc.)
+1 for this one. We utilise this functionality a lot to track major issues and outages. Being able to see more useful data under the Incident view would assist greatly in cross-departmental collaboration.
Gaurav Parbat
Hello all,
We are working on capabilities to customize related lists for tickets and custom objects both. This means that we are working on adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle for 2025. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to a release date on any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
Pedro S.
This is a very much needed improvement.