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Feature request: Skip to next message

Publication le 14 déc. 2022

Sometimes ticket conversations become very long - and they become even longer in some cases where recipient's and CC's are included later on. Long strings of email conversations are sent in to the ticket, and the entire email chain is included in a single response.

I've seen hundreds of these, and quite often they have multiple replies like this. So scrolling down to the next one can be very difficult - sometimes I "miss" the start of the next message, the message I'm looking for.

A simple fix would just be to have an arrow to click, so that Zendesk automatically scrolls down to the next message in a ticket conversation. It could even be an up/down arrow for easy access, and it would certainly make my life a lot easier.



3 commentaire


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

Excited to share with you that Modernized Conversational Experience beta is now accepting sign ups:

We will be addressing the pain point expressed in this post as well as part of this beta. Inviting all of you to have your admin sign up to opt into this beta to provide us early feedback. Thanks!


Co-sign. This would be helpful.


I could use this too! Same problem, scrolling down a long long list and missing the start of the next reply.


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