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Column size for SLA in views


Publication le 07 mars 2023

There's an issue with the title of SLA's column when used in a view : it's way too wide (see the filed attached), it's just supposed to show "xx h", and it takes a lot of space in a view.


Please, could you do something ?





4 commentaire

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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

I'm one of the Product team here at Zendesk. Thanks Henri Mercier (SEIF CONSULT) for bringing this to our attention! It was actually our intention to shorten the title of the column to just SLA, but an issue with translation inserted the additional words. We'll be going ahead and changing it to just "SLA". I'll follow up and confirm when done. Thanks again


Thanks Scott. 


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

This has now been fixed. Merci!


Thanks ! Have a great day !


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