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Adding a custom "Escalation" button to open tickets
Publication le 23 avr. 2023
Hello, I would like to request assistance with adding a button to existing open tickets.
The button should enable customers to manually escalate the ticket by sending an email to a certain group of people.
I have successfully added the custom button to the request_page and styled it as desired. However, I require guidance on how to proceed with the action itself.
Should I create a custom input field that is hidden from the customer and has its value changed once the "Escalate" button is pressed?
6 commentaire
Dan R.
Hi Milo,
The safe way to do this is have that button send an event to some middleware you create and pass the selected ticket ID. This can either be custom coded or potentially managed with a low/no-code platform like Zapier (using their webhook function).
After receiving the ticket ID, your service can then go update the Zendesk ticket via API to move it where it needs to be moved. You may want to consider adding code to the button that would disable it if the Ticket Group was already in the escalations group, so a user can't click it multiple times.
Important to note is avoiding having your API credentials be used directly on the website to update the ticket, they would be visible to anyone who can use a browser's dev tools and could provide admin access to your Zendesk instance or change the substance of the API call being made.
Good luck!
Victor Menezes
Hi Milo Mayyalou! We're getting started with Zendesk Support. Can you explain or link to documentation that allows us to create and add the custom button to the Zendesk Support UI? We figured out the code that will trigger the correct action once the button is pressed, but not sure where/how we modify the UI.
Edan Ben-Atar
We recently started using Zendesk at WebLime, and are working to achieve a similar result utilizing a button and Make webhook.
Milo Mayyalou
Hi Victor Menezes I apologize for noticing your comment late. Please let me know if you still need assistance with the UI in your custom theme.
Jeff Singleton
Why isn't there already an “Escalate” button within the product? Could this just be made a feature request?
Josef Prandstetter
I added a comment on a post on the same topic - please see: