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Ticket Form Fields missing in Web Widget

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Data ultimo post: 27 ago 2021

Hi all

I have 2 issues regarding the web widget.


I have set up a Ticket-Form with 3 custom fields:
1. Produktauswahl
2. Runtime - Lizenztyp
3. Designer - Lizenztyp

This Ticket Form works fine when I open it inside the GUIDE (left side of the screenshot). But when I open the same Ticket Form in the Web Widget I can only see the 3. custom field "Designer - Lizenztyp" (see right side of the screenshot).
1. Produktauswahl and 2.  Runtime - Lizenztyp are missing.




I am using the following code to pre-fill the web widget from the screenshot below. 

Pre-filling the subject and the description works fine. But the custom field is not pre-filled. The custom field is a dropdown with two values:


Benutzer - Lizenz,benutzer_-_lizenz,false

Floating - Lizenz,floating_-_lizenz,false


contactForm: {
ticketForms: [{
id: 1900000042633,
title: false,
fields: [
{ id: 'description', prefill: { '*': 'Wir haben Interesse an einer DATAFLOW Runtime Einzelprodukt-Lizenz. Bitte um Kontaktaufnahme um weitere Details zu klären' } },
{ id: 'subject', prefill: { '*': 'DATAFLOW Runtime Einzelprodukt-Lizenz' } },
{ id: 1900000293073, prefill: { '*': 'Benutzer - Lizenz' } }


what do I need to change to pre-fill the Designer - Lizenztyp field?




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Andreas! As mentioned in the article, Using custom ticket fields and ticket forms with the Web Widget (Classic):

Regular expression, Date, and Multi-select custom fields cannot be used in the Web Widget (Classic).

It looks like your Produktauswahl and Runtime - Lizenztyp fields are multi-select, and therefore would not show up in the Web Widget. 

When pre-filling drop down fields in the Web Widget, you want to use the tag associated with the value. So, in your case for example, this is how you would want your code to look:

<script type="text/javascript">
zESettings = {
webWidget: {
contactForm: {
ticketForms: [{
id: 1900000042633,
title: false,
fields: [
{ id: 'description', prefill: { '*': 'Wir haben Interesse an einer DATAFLOW Runtime Einzelprodukt-Lizenz. Bitte um Kontaktaufnahme um weitere Details zu klären' } },
{ id: 'subject', prefill: { '*': 'DATAFLOW Runtime Einzelprodukt-Lizenz' } },
{ id: 1900000293073, prefill: { '*': 'benutzer_-_lizenz' } }


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