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Ability to forward emails into an existing ticket

Data ultimo post: 11 mar 2015

Would really like the ability to forward emails directly into an existing ticket.

This is what I’m trying to achieve:

  • Support ticket is created for a customer
  • There is back and forth correspondence a number of times
  • Customer then sends another email directly to my personal account - which is part of the support correspondence – but not a normal reply
  • This can happen if they used another device or simply forgot to reply to the normal email thread

  • I would like the ability to forward that email so that it is appended to the existing support ticket as if they had replied in the normal way i.e. it keeps attachments, the sender information, date/time, etc…

I've read the thread here https://support.zendesk.com/hc/communities/public/posts/203392746-How-can-I-forward-an-email-into-an-existing-ticket-?input_string=Ability%20to%20forward%20emails%20into%20an%20existing%20t, which has no resolve, plus I've been in touch with support and they clarified that it can't be done at present unless you make use of their API - which tells me it can be done! ;)



95 commenti

I've developed an MVP to address this problem, and you can watch a demo of it here: [MVP Demo](https://youtu.be/In-vUSnCQ6U).

This integration empowers authorized agents to seamlessly forward emails to a designated email address associated with a web service. This web service, in turn, automatically appends a new comment to the corresponding ticket based on the ticket ID specified in the email's subject line.

If you're interested in trying out this MVP, I can set up the integration for you. Future development efforts will be driven by the number of users committed to using this integration.

To express your interest and get in touch with us, please fill out the updated Google Form, and I'll contact you promptly.



Benjamin Kirsch do we have an update  this feature?


Has there been any more movement on this? If this is an added feature can someone share the how to on doing this as I wasn't able to find it in my search.  Thanks for any help you can offer.  



Did Zendesk add the feature or is this a lost cause?


I know this is an old post, I swear I've seen this as an ability before, but now it's not working anymore.

Has there been a change since this post?


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