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[Closed for comments] Customization of the dashboard
Data ultimo post: 10 dic 2012
In the new Zendesk Interface, the dashboard by default displays a "Tickets Requiring Your Attention" view. (I realize this is not a "view" in the Zendesk-defined sense) This way of looking at tickets is not customizable - the fields displayed cannot be altered, the column widths cannot be changed, and there's no way to "anchor" alternate views on the left side where the existing icons (for dashboard, reporting, settings, etc) reside. Those are features we consider vital in order for us to use the Lotus interface. The most glaring omission on the default dashboard is the absence of the ticket number. It would be great if Zendesk started by making that change, and then making the dashboard customizable so that it has real value to those users who need a different dataset than Zendesk has provided by default.
203 commenti
Sjoerd Huisman
Steve (and others),
I think you should bring your vote at the buttons at the left of the post. Something new since a while. Should give Zendesk more insights of our wishes.
Bob Novak
Hi everyone - we do have a development task to make this feature available. I will check on our progress and see if we can get this taken care of soon. Thanks again for your patience.
Thomas Bouw
We recently started working with Zendesk as well and provide support for a lot of different Brands (+10). One of the things we miss in the Dashboard is what brand the ticket has been assigned to.
If the dashboard would be more customizable, this and other issues preventing agents from working between a load of views and the dashboard could be maintained to a minimum.
Matthieu ETIENNE
Hi Bob,
any news on this?
We are exactly in the same situation as Thomas ans so really interested by a potential changes reagrding cusotmization of the dashboard view.
No point in waiting. Create a starting view to your liking and add a bookmark in the web browser.
Bob Novak
@all - Thank you for checking up on this - you are not forgotten! We have some VERY big features rolling out shortly that are taking a lot of resources. I know that doesn't help with the wait, but we can only focus on so much.
Emily Littlefield
I'm about to roll out Zendesk to a much larger portion of my company and getting a dashboard that could be customized would go a long way to me selling the additional cost off the all of the new licenses. Zendesk is great and a massive improvement over what they were using but that dashboard could be so much better. Hoping for great things in the "VERY big features" that Bob mentioned 2 weeks ago.
Daniel Bongers
anyone know what the very big features are? Is there a place we can find out what's coming?
Being able to set the dashboard to a custom view on a group/user level would be extremely useful. Our dashboard has personally requested this change because it's feeling so neglected so please, do it for the dashboard!
Ravi Kant Verma
We need to be able to customize the agent dashboard.
Jodi Bennett
Would like the ability to display "pending" tickets on an agent's dashboard as well as the "open" ones.
Sjoerd Huisman
You can watch this url https://support.zendesk.com/hc/communities/public/topics/200132066-Community-Product-feedback.
When signed in you can filter on planned activities. This is just to give some idea. I guess this is not thoroughly. Zendesk never gives full insights in their upcoming features.
David DeGrandpre
I'll add my vote to this issue. Bookmarking views is a workaround for this. There should be the functionality to customize the dashboard for agents - ideally based on what group they belong to.
Patrick Shore
Yeah as a new user I agree with most of what is said here. I literally just need to add some columns in and sort it so it's by latest update and not oldest ticket and it will be useful to me. Not too much needed, just as much functionality as a regular view.
Akshath Sapalya
A feature that has been requested by many of our agents is to be able to delete an update in the dashboard once they have completed the required action on the ticket. This will allow the agents to use the updates in the dashboard as a checklist of actions/ tasks.
Corrin Duque
Being able to modify the default dashboards is key for our business efficiencies as well. 1+ to the previous comments and examples requesting this. We agree with the value these capabilities would add. Here are some additional examples.
We use our views to manage workflows and hence have a sequence field that is vital for our agents to know what demands top attention. Without being able to add our custom field as a column to a view the dashboard has no value to us.
For this same reason we need ability to customize the default views in the Organization view.
Are there considerations on making these default views customizable as well?
We very often need to look at all tickets in an organization or all tickets submitted by a user and it is extremely convenient to be able to look at this information directly from within the ticket. However because we cannot customize the way the information that pulls for the Org and User ticket lists we are not able to effectively manage our workflows from them. We need to be able to add a custom column to each of these defaults. Can this be done? Please add this to your considerations.
Akshath Sapalya
The "Updates to your tickets" feed is a very important feature which is now hidden in a corner of the dashboard. If this gets a separate place in the navigation menu it will help the agents to track and action tickets faster.
Another add-on to this feature should be the ability for agents to close or mark the update on the as complete so that they don't see the updates that are already actioned. May be the completed actions can move to a separate queue which can be accessed if required.
This will reduce the dependency on the columns like "Latest update" or "Update by agent/end-user" in views.
Ravi Kant Verma
We would like to customize "Updates to your tickets" on dashboard to view ticket that are more important to us ( there could a criteria based filtering or we simply pick the ticket numbers )
Owen Pragel
Our last day on Zendesk for unrelated reasons.
This request is almost three years old (2012/12/09) and it does not sound like a difficult change. Would rather turn off the dashboard and go to the first view in the 'Views' list instead, because at least it can be customized while the dashboard cannot. Seems like that would solve the issue for a lot of folks.
For whatever reason the first screen viewed on login does not appear to be a high priority at Zendesk. Still an excellent tool, but it would be nice if progress on the agent user experience end went a little faster.
(Suspended) Darla Baker
18 months since the word was that this feature was in the works.
The dashboard drives me crazy because I can't see the customer. There have been many reasons posted here for driving others crazy.
The solution is to 1) make it customizable; or 2) allow an agent to set a default view.
Obviously we don't know the effort required to make either of these changes, but the criticality is high.
Zendesk this is your agent front door. And we're telling you that your first impression sucks which then makes us suspicious of the entire product.
Daniel Byer
Beyond being able to customize the view of the dashboard, it would be very helpful to customize particular information. Specifically, it would be fantastic if the team could log in, go to the dashboard, and see messages from their team manager regarding currently known issues.
I'm envisioning a section where a manager could place important messages for the day or week, so technicians could review them on a daily or as-needed basis. This would help synergize the team and allow them to see what's currently "going on". Of course, meetings for this sort of thing are important, but a place for the technicians to quickly go back and review on an as-needed basis would be very beneficial and desirable.
Remco de Waard
After reading Darla's message I have to stand up for Zendesk. Because I work at a software company also, I know what it is like to promise, inform, develop and deliver.
When a certain feature is not present in the product, it doesn't mean that the complete product sucks. For instance, when a light in my car is broken it disturbs me at first. But after a couple of days I don't even see it any more. The most important thing is that the engine keeps on running.
If somebody from Zendesk is kind enough to answer one of the questions in this thread, do not use his answer as a weapon against him. If he says that Zendesk is developing the requested feature, than this answer is a service to inform you. If you keep using these answers to fight Zendesk, then eventually Zendesk will stop offering this service. Because everything they say to keep the customers happy will come back as a boomerang in their faces.
If you are in need of a certain feature, you can either develop it yourself as an app, or you can ask Zendesk to change anything in their product. If you choose for the last option, it means that sometimes you have to wait.
And yes, that waiting sucks for the first few days, weeks or months.. But hey, as long as the engine keeps on running, right?
Heather Rommel
Well said, Remco
Justin Fain
+1 for all of this. Unfortunately, I'm not surprised that there hasn't been any progress made in the three years since this was reported
Ben Lucier
I agree with Remco and I empathize with Darla and others who, like me, are truly confused and frustrated by lack of movement on this.
I also realize that for 95% of Zendesk customers, this probably isn't an issue (hence no movement), but there are some of us who work really hard to create a perfect "view of work" for our teams, and unfortunately, when they log in, are presented with not that view. :/
Helen Vickers
Our solution, such as it is, is to have the agents bookmark one of the views, rather than the general ZenDesk url. That way they do go to a useful page when they log in.
Ben Lucier
Yeah, that's how we do it too, Helen.
Alexander Vineyard
+1 here.
Need to change the columns of the dashboard. We can do it on any other view, but not the dashboard... Really need to get next SLA breach column at least able to be added.
An yes, being able to add more shortcut buttons on the left side vertical bar (with the home icon, view icon, user icon etc.) would be very helpful.
Kevin Ginger
I'm new to Zendesk and am surprised I can't customize the Dashboard columns. This request is over 3 years old? Can we get an update?