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CSAT For Talk

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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Data ultimo post: 07 giu 2019

According to our rep, CSAT for live phone calls isn't currently supported, leaving a potential blind spot in our CSAT reporting.  Other than the rep asking if we've resolved their concern, we are not currently measuring CSAT on calls, but I think it would be a neat feature to be able to 'toggle' survey sampling in the Talk settings ("Enable CSAT?").  We could then prompt users in the greeting to stay on the line for a 2 question survey after the call to leave feedback.  (Are you satisfied? Press 1 for yes 2 for no.  Would you like to leave additional feedback? Press 1 for yes 2 for no.)  I could see this as being a nice compliment to the Talk product!



39 commenti


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Sean Chuang

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi, you can send a proactive outbound via SMS or email for CSAT after call ends.

An option is to use Zendesk Talk native solution and then use a third-party product only for collecting the post call survey. When the call is coming to an end, the agent could simply forward the call to an external number. Here is an example of how to do it. 


Hi Brandon,

I've actually really been thinking about how to do this - and we at helphouse came up with an idea on how to do this with texts instead!

Let me know if you could be interested in hearing any further about this, and then we could set up a meeting regarding this?

#helpsome regards,
Louise Dissing
Team Lead @ helphouse.io


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Louise,


Thanks for reaching out.  While that idea sounds good in theory - most of our end-users are contacting us through office lines, so a text doesn't make sense in this use-case.  Maybe someone else will benefit from this project though, so keep up the good work!




Louise - I'd love to hear what you came up with. Can you please share? Or what's the best way to get in touch with you?


Hi Jen.


Please click the link in my signature.


#helpsome regards,
Thomas de Silva

Zendesk Consultant @ helphouse.io


Thomas - thank you for being on top! :-)

Jen, My apologies - you can contact us on support@helphouse.io and then I'll get you in touch with someone who can show you this! :-)

#helpsome regards,
Louise Dissing
Team Lead @ helphouse.io


Hi there,

You can configure an automation in this case if you know the customers e-mail-adress from another conversation or from another source such as your CRM.

Please make sure that your privacy policies are compliant with such an approach. But from a technical point of view it works fine.


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi @...,

We actually use this for accounts where the email address is known, but it would be a nice tie-in for phone call only operations.



Hi @...

There is a way by combining a new ticket field (send SMS for ex.), an automation and a trigger:




Unfortunately, the {{satisfaction.rating_url}} is very long. This drives the cost per SMS.



By the way: I think it's better to just use a tag instead of a ticket field ;-)


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Thanks for this @....  The call center actually takes calls from mostly landlines, eliminating the text back opportunity.  While we were able to tie this back into c-sat using the user's profile and subsequent ticket - the feedback we received was that the email came through too far removed from the call and caused customer confusion.


Hi @...

Good point. I've been thinking about that, too. You can define two rules in the automation for the CSAT by adding the channel as a condition. Then there is one automation per channel. For example, for telephone support you send the survey after one hour, for e-mail after 24 hours. I think we will solve it this way.


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey @... - good tip!


Hey @...! Thank you for this tip. For triggers I can't seem to get the satisfaction url placeholder to work. Do you have a workaround for this? I thought I could do a second automation instead of a trigger, but you can't send a text via automation.



Hi @...

Correct. Automations can't send SMS, so we had to combine it with a trigger.
However, I didn't understand your problem exactly. We simply use the placeholder {{satisfaction.rating.url}} in the SMS text.

It's best to adopt the solution as described above: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/de/community/posts/360031484573/comments/1260801990290



@... - got it to work! I had it typed as {{satisfaction.rating_url}} instead of satisfaction.rating.url}}.

Really appreciate this tip!


@... good job :-)

By the way, you can just paste placeholders into a comment in a ticket to see how it works in your environment.



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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey @... - would you consider publishing the handy info you've shared here to our User Tips & Tricks topic? That would help make it easier for other users to find. 


We too have a gap in CSAT reporting. It would be nice to have the ability to have a CSAT option at the end of the call as we do not always collect an email address during the call


Definitely interested in this.  Something immediately after the call where the customers stays on the line for a quick CSAT survey.  I know that it can be accomplished via email or SMS but preference would be to offer the CSAT in the channel the customer chose and not all call from an SMS enabled line.  


Hi everyone, keep the feedback coming, and don't forget to upvote threads you're interested in – thanks!


{{satisfaction.rating.url}} does not work for me in text message.

When I use this short code I get an error message saying zendesk could not deliver the message.

Does anyone use this shortcode? And does it work for you?


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Birgit Daetz,

I think in this case you would need to use the following:

The default {{satisfaction.rating_section}}​ placeholder will return the following section:

If you want to offer just the links, you would need to offer both {{satisfaction.positive_rating_url}} and {{satisfaction.negative_rating_url}}  since the links themselves immediately collect the feedback and associate it with the ticket.



Thank you for your answer Brandon Tidd. However both of those also fail.

They work perfectly when I use "Email user" in trigger action. But when I chose the action "Text user", they fail and Zendesk says that the text/SMS can not be sent.

The same happens when I use: {{ticket.url}} - the text can not be sent.

I tried to enter a plain webadress like: https://www.zendesk.com/ or google.com. They fail. No matter how I format the link/url the text/SMS will not send. 

It I remove these shortcodes, so it is just plain text, then text/SMS goes through fine.

ps. the shortcodes below work fine:

  • {{ticket.requester.name}}
  • {{ticket.via}}
  • {{ticket.title}}
  • {{ticket.id}}

But they all also only render plain text.


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Sorry to hear that - I would expect that the other short codes work as they are substitutes for just plain text - a bit surprised that even the plain web addresses like google.com also fail (assuming here you are way under the 160 character limitation).  Let me kick this around with the other moderators and see if anyone has a work around here.  You might also consider opening a support ticket to have the Zendesk advocacy team review your setup specifically.


It has suddenly started working without me doing anything.

Very strange, but nice that it is working :-)

Thank you for your help



Hey Brains Trust

I've been trying to get the SMS set-up to send the satisfaction URL and it's working well, except for two issues. Would anyone be able to assist with these issues?

1. The link in the text message is not a clickable link - just free text. Am I missing something to make it clickable from the SMS without have to copy it and paste into a URL?

2. We don't always have an SMS contact for our users, is there a way to flag this in the trigger? Currently the ticket will re-open from solved because it couldn't send the SMS. I can't figure out a way to flag if a user profile has a mobile number, and build that into the trigger. I think a workaround is to use the ticket subject where it has 'Phone call received from xx' but hoping there is a better way to do this as subjects can be edited.

Apologies if these have been covered in the tools & tips links - I get an error when I try to access it.

Thanks in advance!


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hey Emily,

Thanks for keeping this post alive!  

1) Unfortunately the SMS protocol doesn't support Rich Text Formatting (RTF), which is what's required for clickable links.  You may be able to employ a link-shortening service like bit.ly here?

2) Maybe a user field that is active on profiles that have the appropriate contact information?  Also not sure how you're delineating between land lines and cells here.

Hope this helps!



Thanks Brandon for the quick response on an old thread!

1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look at bit.ly.

2. We considered a field, but we don't currently push our CRM data into Zendesk so new contacts are created when someone contacts the help desk via phone. I wanted to avoid having a step where the agent has to select whether they have the correct number on their user profile, as user management is not well embedded yet. I was thinking that we could use the subject and identify mobiles by the number code (i.e. Aus mobiles are +61 etc.)


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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

That is a luxury we don't have in the US - you'll have to let us know how it goes!


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