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Zendesk Dark mode
Data ultimo post: 20 giu 2022
I'm wondering if Zendesk will ever invest in a dark mode. Working for hours on end staring at a bright white screen is very straining on the eyes. Currently, Zendesk will recommend 3rd party extensions you have to pay for on a subscription base for the most basic feature.
Any chance this will happen or is it in "development"?
41 commenti
Abbe Cohen
Hello everyone!
Exciting news... we've heard you, and in early 2025, Zendesk will support Dark Mode out of the box. We're excited to bring this to the community. You'll see this first in Agent Workspace, and continue from there as we eventually will support all of Zendesk in Dark Mode.
Please add any feedback you have here as we are actively working on this and your feedback is important!
+1,000,000 votes if possible :)
Nicole Saunders
Hi Brian and Walter,
Thanks for your post. According to our product teams, there are not currently plans to develop a dark mode for Zendesk. While it has been a long-standing feature request, it's just never been a higher priority than the other things users are requesting.
For more info, you may want to read this article:
Is there a dark mode for Zendesk Support?
And here's the feature request that you can up-vote and follow in case things change in the future:
Dark theme
Brett L
I also agree with Zendesk releasing a dark mode feature.
Relaying on 3rd party products to be developed that were requested directly from the Zendesk Dev team by customers isn't a great look.
The extension was free until last week's update on 13/06/2022, now it's a subscription-based service.
GrowthDot is the producer of a Dark Mode for Zendesk and we want to explain why it became paid. The extension seems easy and basic, partly it is true. However, the Zendesk platform changes from time to time and we need time and people to synchronize Dark Mode with updated Zendesk. So, it is hard to keep Dark Mode theme free. Besides, by buying Dark Mode you support Ukraine, as GrowthDot is from Ukraine and we are paying taxes here.
Brett L
I understand you need to update the extension, but so do all the other freeware/extensions out there which keep the product free.
They definitely don't force payments upon their users out of nowhere.
That's great it's based in Ukraine, but that still doesn't justify the forceful nature of demanding payments.
Anyway, the extension has now been removed across all devices.
As is most likely the case for other users too.
Hi, Brett Lightbody
Thank you for your reply. Sorry, but we never forced anyone to buy the extension you are free to choose from the alternatives. But for that payment, you get a better work of extension, without bugs and with updates. Our subscribers have already estimated the advantages.
Brett L
So why not release a free version, which you no longer update and allows your users to have the choice between a free version which may/may not contain bugs, or a paid-for version which is bug-free and advertisement free.
Have you ever thought of that?
Jan-Willem Rommerts
It is a strange situation that a professional program does not have a Dark Mode and that you are advised to use a plug-in from another manufacturer.
Come on Zendesk! Go with your time!
Riccardo Marchesi
I'm sorry, but this is just disrespectful with the employees that suffer with eye strain after staring to Zendesk for hours each day. You've already released this to Android and iOS. It just doesn't make any sense to not have it already considering the size of Zendesk as a company. Zendesk is a support tool, employees stare at it for long periods handling tickets. Treating UX as "optional stuff" in 2022 and is just ridiculous.
Will Martin
I totally agree Riccardo Marchesi
I know this isn't a native solution, but I found that Dark Reader (Free) extension works seamlessly with ZenDesk.
Might be worth trying it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh
For Firefox users: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/darkreader/
Riccardo Marchesi
Will Martin
Dark Reader (Free) messes up with the text color of sent Public/Internal replies, same for 98% of the other extensions available. We need a native solution.
John Ricklefs
The firefox 3rd party plug-in was removed and the chrome extension wants $2 per month
Please get this done. Until there is a dark mode I cannot recommend this ticketing system.
Jan-Willem Rommerts
Pretty frustrating that Zendesk is NOT listening to its customers! Don't forget Zendesk that you make your product with our money.
Similar programs like Service Management do have a dark mode option I think.......
CJ Johnson
@... the thread you link to upvote and comment has been closed, meaning that we cannot comment on it. How should the community let you know about desire for this feature?
Anthony Del Campo
Found multiple threads about this topic and am very surprised this is not a native option in 2023!
Competitors like Intercom have this enabled! What is keeping this from being enabled?
Axele zack
we need that the dark mode be available on the basics features, not to go buy an 3rd part extension and pay for that... its a shame one you to say that its not a priority !!!!!!!!!!
for that i prefer "salsesforce platforme" than zendek, and i will recommend it to others.
Malcolm Miles
Interesting that Zendesk is suggesting the use of a third-party extension, whereas in another ticket they have specifically recommended not to use them.
"We have to take a pretty strong stance on not supporting third-party extensions."
Anja Aksentijevic
What I did is to force Dark Theme on Chrome and it is awesome. You have a dark theme everywhere :)
Anthony Stenhouse
Adding our voice to this request. :+1:
Anastasia Kachanova
Jan-Willem Rommerts
It's sad, but you're talking to deaf ears.... Zendesk is as flexible as a block of stone. Every professional program has this functionality except Zendesk. Too bad!
But we'll try again.... So Zendesk: once again the urgent request to come up with a dark mode FAST....
Anthony Stenhouse
Dark Mode is reported to be coming this year: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7153808302320062464/
Alper Sağlam
It looks like, finally, we will be having this. That is great news.
Richard Adams
Abbe Cohen Hi Abbe, is there an update on when dark mode is going to be available?
Terrence Weston
I want this so badly. I complain about it weekly. We're entering the third quarter of 2024. Hopefully y'all are still on track for release this year.
Marc Dufour (Groan)
Thanks for bumping this, Terrence Weston I just popped by to do so myself.
Abbe Cohen any chance of a little tidbit of an update?
Richard Adams
If it's useful to anyone, members of my team use this chrome extension to make Zendesk work in dark mode and it seems to do a good job. It would be nice to get an official update though.
Phil Clark
Wondering if there's any update on this? Would also be very keen to see Dark Mode in Zendesk so I also hope it's still on track for this year 😊
Danny Chrismas
"Please add any feedback you have here as we are actively working on this and your feedback is important!"
We can't provide feedback on Dark Mode when we haven't seen any previews of it to give feedback on