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Feature Request - Automations based on SLA Targets
Data ultimo post: 27 set 2023
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk Support should allow breaches of specific SLA Targets to be used as a condition in automations. Currently, the SLA breach conditions are handled the same regardless of which target is breached (First Reply Time, Total Resolution Time, etc).
Description/Use Cases:
We are trying to set up escalations for certain types of tickets based on our SLA Targets. The agent assigned to the ticket will receive a notification when the SLA is breached. If a certain amount of time passes after the breach without a resolution, we want a notification sent to management. If further time passes, we want a notification sent to senior management (see table below).
We would like the time between escalation levels to be dependent on the SLA Target. However, the current "Hours since last SLA breach" condition in automations does not take into account which SLA target is breached. This means we can only set one time period for each escalation level regardless of which SLA target is breached. In our case, it does not make sense to set one time period to escalate a ticket for First Reply Time, Periodic Update, and Total Resolution Time.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
We can likely use additional automation conditions to work around this limitation for the specific SLA targets we have chosen. However, they will not measure exactly the same way, and they will be harder to maintain. If we decide to change the times on any of the SLA targets (level 1), we would have to update all of the additional automations as well.
In addition, we would not be able to work around this at all if we used any of the SLA targets which pause for a particular status. There are not currently automation conditions that align with those targets.
1 commento
Shawna James