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Agent Home - Show new tickets assigned to the agent's group

Data ultimo post: 03 mag 2024

Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)

I would like to see new tickets in the Agent Home interface. Our new tickets are assigned to a group, and the agents in that group assign them to themselves when they start working on them. This affects both Agents and customers as new tickets can otherwise be missed and go unanswered for longer. 


What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) 

Currently, Agents need to navigate away from the Agent Home interface to see new tickets. This feature would solve the problem of missing new tickets and constantly needing to navigate away from the Agent Home interface.


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)

This problem occurs every time a new ticket comes in. The agent living in Zendesk is only aware if they actively navigate to a different view. The new tickets go unnoticed for longer, leading to longer first response times and a more frustrating experience. 


Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)

No, until this feature is implemented, we will not be using the Agent Home functionality. 


What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)

I would also like the Agent Home interface to show tickets with the 'New' status (category) that are assigned to the group the agent belongs to.



2 commenti

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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Tommy,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


We are also having trouble with the new Agent Home, and feel that a few things have taken a step back in usability.  The ability to see tickets assigned to the agent directly as well as those assigned at their groups is essential for this view for us.  Our organization assigns tickets to the group level first and then the agents see these in their main view along with their already assigned tickets.  They can then be grabbed up by the agent by assigning these to themselves or the manager of the group will assign the ticket directly to an agent.


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