Knowledge Base Dataset: Feedback on Metrics & Attributes
Beyond the current capabilities in the Knowledge Base dataset, we would like to see the following metrics & attributes added:
- Number of comments
- Number of subscriptions
- Number of votes on a comment
All of these metrics help us to determine the performance of an article - how engaged users are with the article and if it is being used. These metrics, in addition to views and times linked, would help tell the complete story of an article.
In addition to these metrics, we would also like to report on the articles with "zero" values, such as '0" views, comments, votes, subscriptions. This would be a way for us to create criteria for archiving articles.
- Article path (Category>Section>Subsection (if applicable): in the current design, you can only pull sections and this causes issues when sections are named the same across categories and when it is hard to tell which section to select. Having the ability to pull the category, section, and subsection (if applicable) would help to narrow down the articles you want to find.
- Article owner: currently, you can only pull article author; however, in our instance, the person responsible for the article (maintaining it and analyzing its performance) is the owner. This, in many cases, is different than the initial person that authored the article.
- Labels: there is no current way to pull or report on the labels in articles other than in the Guide admin view. This is important for us since labels, in some instances, are used to segment articles into a subset. The label, therefore, could be used to see a subset's views, votes, etc, which is not possible when articles in subset stretch across sections and/or authors.
Mauricio Giraudo
I support this request.
Rod Doles
Agree - these metrics would be greatly appreciated.
CJ Johnson
I'm really baffled why these are still all unavailable. Copying and pasting from the 'built in reports" to a sheet and exporting from Explore to also stick in a sheet continues to be the only way to have a single source for reporting on Knowledge Capture and Guide.
Qin Brian
I would like to know who viewed which article so we can better understand who views the knowledge base with lowest data,etc
Orsolya Forster
Thanks for all your feedback and comments here!
The expansion of the KB dataset in Explore is certainly on our roadmap, starting with the following additions;
Labels, and owners also are on our radar, however, these will be later additions to the dataset. I'll mark these so we can include them in future priorities.
I really appreciate your contribution and mark this request thread as "Planned" since a good amount of these requests are actually on our roadmap in 2022. I'll update this thread once I can share more details about the plans.
Ryan Boyer
Thanks for the update, Orsolya Forster! I really appreciate it.
Hi Orsolya Forster
Happy new year to you and to the team,
Do you now approximately the month ou the quarter of 2022 thats will be arrive ?
Qin Brian
Can Zendesk add more metrics into this dataset?
1) which agents visited which article
2) when this agent visited the article
The purpose is to find out whether there are always some agents never visited articles.
So we can build connections between specific agents and articles
Orsolya Forster
Hi ingrid MARIOTTI, happy new year to you too!
The metrics and category attribute listed above are planned to be completed in Q2. I'll update the thread in the case this plan changes.
Qin Brian for now we can only commit to the metrics and attributes above, however, I will capture your request so we can consider them in future upgrades. Thanks for your feedback.
Stephan Plockhotnov
Hi everyone!
We have developed our own dashboard for the help center. Now we can measure the readability of our articles (do customers read it to the end or just scroll it or even just bounce), what articles trigger customers to open tickets, etc.
Qin Brian ingrid MARIOTTI Ryan Boyer CJ Johnson Rod Doles Mauricio Giraudo Let me know if you find it interesting for you!
Cheers, Stephan
Qin Brian
Hi Stephan:
I checked the dashboard and I have some questions
1) what is the meaning of Search and Search without result? Can we export the search data to see what is searched without result?
2) How we can know the difference between MSDK channel help center channel?
3) Can we know who made the viewing or searching of end-users?
Stephan Plockhotnov
Qin Brian
1. Search without results is the search where words didn't match any article.
2. Good point. In our case, we don't have a mobile channel, but if you give me more details about your case we can think about how to handle it.
3. Didn't get your question. Do you mean the sources of visitors or the source of all the data?
Btw, how did you find our dashboard?) I'm impressed by your research skill, I didn't mention any link here
Qin Brian
In the dashboard of Knowledge Guide, there is one metric named "Votes". Can Zendesk show each article's votes results on "No" and "Yes"? I tried to separate, but I failed
Orsolya Forster
Hi Qin Brian,
Splitting the vote count to upvotes and downvotes is not possible currently. We're currently working on an update which will enable to count positive and negative votes separately.
Ryan Boyer
Hi, Orsolya Forster. I am following up on this feedback. Is there any additional information on when the metrics you outline here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4408860636826/comments/4410684581530 will be added? Thanks!
Orsolya Forster
Hi Ryan Boyer,
We plan to make the new metrics available in Q3. I realised that I initially communicated Q2 in this thread, so a correction was due.
Ryan Boyer
Thanks for the update, Orsolya Forster. I really appreciate it!
Martin Cubitt
While the views per article is useful, the count of users who viewed an article would give greater insight.
Eg. If Article A had 100 views from 1 user and Article B has 1 view from 100 users, the views metric would be 100 for both articles, but Article B is reaching a wider audience than Article A, so maybe has greater value or relevance.