

Showing solved at and/or closed at timestamp in ticket api


I see that the /api/v2/tickets/{id}/metrics.json contains the solved_at field. Why can't this be in /api/v2/tickets/{id}.json endpoint? I'm running into latency and rate limiting issue trying to get solve_at. 




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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey there,

The metrics endpoint is kept separate as to allow for faster response times along with better stability for reporting that relies on it. The tickets endpoint pulls from the same rate limit as the ticket metrics endpoint, so moving it would actually cause further issues. Would you be able to tell us a bit more about the issues you're encountering?

Have a wonderful day!

Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy


We are also experiencing a similar issue. Our customers pull data for thousands of tickets a day and require the solved_at and assigned_at values for each one. Retrieving these metrics for each ticket is resulting in issues with rate limiting. It would be very helpful for us to see these values included in the ticket list endpoint data or for us to have the ability to query ticket_metrics by date range.


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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Nicholas! 

I definitely agree that there would be value in that, but as Eric noted there are also potential complications that something like this could cause. That being said, we don't get to make those decisions, so I would definitely recommend sharing your thoughts in this feedback forum. The decision-makers monitor those forums and not these, so posting in there will get it in front of the right people.

Let me know if you do post in there and I'll try to do what I can internally to get someone to look into it sooner than later!


Hi Greg,

Thanks so much for your reply. I've posted on the feedback forum here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4452984496922-Suggestion-Ticket-Metrics-improvements 

It would be great if something like this could be implemented as it's causing a lot of issues with our customers currently.



