Reporting on Follow-up tickets
I am trying to set up a report which will help us to see the original ticket number and then the follow up ticket number.
I have found a way in Explore to report on follow up tickets received but cannot see how we can report on these against the original ticket number.
Can this be looked into for future development?
Brad Wade
Agree with Sally. This would be great to have for analysis, for coaching, for improving customer experience to know if there are any existing trends in which end users are responding after cases have been closed. As she stated above, we can only see that a follow up was created, not how many or what the follow up ticket number is.
Joe Jacob
Adding my +1 to this. Would be a gamechanger when it comes to identifying trends to reduce follow-ups.
Dermatica Ltd
Adding my support to this. In our organisation, we receive quite a lot of follow ups a month or so after the initial contact, which we actually want, however I've no idea on how to validate this using a report.
Being able to get an average follow up ticket creation from when the original was solved would be really useful.
Andrew Chu
Upvoted it, looking for basically the same thing
This would be great to have! It's like the same reporting issue I've upvoted regarding parent/child tickets (or rather the linked problem tickets to an incident ticket). I have to run two reports and then merge them into an excel file where I can do a vlookup to see which problem tickets are linked to an incident ticket. Would much rather have this be available in a single report. :)
Hi Zendesk,
Any update on this? How do we get to know the Child/Parent ticket ids for Follow up ticket scenario?
Wojciech Smajda
Hey Sally,
Thank you for reaching out and letting us know about your reporting needs within Zendesk Explore, specifically the ability to see original ticket numbers alongside their follow-up ticket numbers.
We always appreciate when our users take the time to tell us about features that would make their work easier. Unfortunately, at present, there are no plans to add this specific reporting capability to Zendesk Explore. I understand this may not be the answer you were hoping for, but please know that your feedback is valuable to us.
We constantly strive to align our product development with the needs of our customers, and insights like yours play a key role in that process. While we can't commit to when or if this feature will be added, your feedback has been noted and will be considered in our ongoing efforts to improve our products.
For updates on new features and enhancements, please keep an eye on the What’s New Community Topic and join in on the discussions during our Community events.
Thanks again for your contribution to the Zendesk Community. We're glad to have you with us.