Report on Received At Email Address



It is important that we understand which email addresses are receiving the most traffic. It would be helpful to include "Received at" email address in the ticket attributes sent to Explore.





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Renata Nikulina

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all,

Ticket email address attribute was added to the Support: Tickets dataset. 

The complete list of attributes and their descriptions can be found in the Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Yes please! This would be extremely helpful so that we can see which products and customers make more use of email tickets. We'd love to stop inbound email as a channel, since it takes the longest to get the data we need to help the customer. Being able to see which products and regions are ready for this switch would be great!


Yes, we would really appreciate the ability to run reports directly based upon the email address through which the inquiry/ticket was received.  It's much cleaner/safer than having to go through an intermediate step of creating a trigger that creates a tag, or having to base it on the group/agent these tickets were assigned to . . . any of these could have changed during the desired reporting range (or you thought of them too late) . . . then you miss the opportunity to get the data you need.

Thanks for considering this!



Yes, pls build this attribute.


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

A second +1 from me! I really needed to be able to build a report off this data today and was let down.

This is already an attribute on the ticket model in Support, can it please be added to the Explore Dataset?



Hi all,

Quick update on what we're doing:

We use a custom dropdown field called "Received At" (not to be confused with "Received at" in business rules). We add each email address to the custom Received At field. Then, we create a new trigger for each email address in our instance. If the Received at value =, the Received At (custom) value is set to And so on for each email.

The custom field is reportable, and the business rules set it based on the Received at value when the ticket is created through email. I hope this is helpful to other teams as well!



That's +1 from me as well.  It seems very odd that this information is not accessible in the reporting framework. We have quite a number of different email channels and want to report on tickets created via different channels.


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Bumping this one again, in the hopes that an Explore PM will catch it and respond.

This would be a really big help in identifying popular channels of contact. We're currently trying to consolidate and deprecate some addresses, but we can't tell which ones receive volume, making it really hard to tackle this project intelligently. The only way we could get this data historically is to try to export and iterate through several hundred thousand tickets via the API, which is a waste of dev resources.

This data's already part of the core ticket model (it's the "recipient:" attribute) it would be very helpful to have it made available in Explore. I won't presume to know what's involved in adding a new attribute to Explore, but from the end-user side, this feels like a really easy win. 

Thanks for considering!


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, 

Thank you for the feedback. The Ticket received at email address attribute is indeed a very popular feature request. It wasn't prioritised before because there is a simple workaround that Zac kindly shared here. However, any workaround means that there is a need for manual tweaks that lead to human errors and additional time users need to spend on the implementation, hence this is not a cool experience. 

We will be researching what attributes can be added to Support datasets in the first half of 2020 and received at email address is one of the top candidates.


This was an extremely helpful answer. Adding the custom tags as part of a trigger on incoming tickets for each Received At address is helping us get the data we need for one-off reports for the time being, but does not help historically, so hopefully this feature can be added soon.




Any update here? This feels like a huge miss to not be able to pull reporting based on received at.


+1 on this. As Eugene noted on the "workaround", that is a manual adjustment that requires maintenance of something that is already being captured by Zendesk (i.e. a Search can filter by Received At address).

Please make this available within Explore.


Please we need it too


+1 on recipient / received at address as a common attribute for Explore.


Yes, definitely need this feature. 


+1, we also need this, Is there some news already?



Last update from Zendesk was 7 months ago indicating this might be added in the first half of 2020... We're in July now... Any update here? We need this, too.

The "workaround" only works if it was set up from the beginning, so it can't account for closed tickets.


+1 for this also! This would be extremely useful for us separating out our incoming email channels


+1 please!


I'm pretty shocked this data isn't included in Explore already +1


Still no update on this matter ? 


Zac solution isn't a solution. 

It doesn't take into account all previous history. 


+1 We're running into the same issue for historical data reporting


We would like to have this feature as well


Hello Eugene Orman - is there any update with this attribute? It's been 3 years since it has been raised.




@... There's been no update for a year and 6 months past the time you advised we would likely have this.

Considering this ask is 3+ years old, this feature already existed with insights before its deprecation, and that the information already exists in the Zendesk data model.... what the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on?

I can't imagine this is technically challenging. Having to create a new field on every ticket form we use and an automation for it to be populated is not really an acceptable workaround as it ignores the entirety of past history. Plus... the data already exists as I'm sure you're aware. Throw us a bone here man!


Whaaat? you can not do this? Why?


We did finally implement our own custom field that is set by triggers to get this Received at data, but with a growing list of email addresses / teams coming into Zendesk, this is a lot of maintain.  It would be so helpful if Received at was a field in an Explore dataset.


+1 We need this feature.



