Ability to show On-hold Status on Customer Portal
When our customers view their list of tickets on the portal they are unable to determine which tickets are open vs on-hold as both open and on-hold show as open. We need the ability to show the On-hold status on the customer portal.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Hi all, thank you for your feedback and I'm sorry we have not been able to accommodate this request yet.
The good news is that we are planning to start work in Q4 2023 (Oct to EOY) to fully support Custom Ticket Statuses in the Customer portal which will allow customers who want to show On-hold to end users to do so and customers who wish to keep the current configuration or an entirely different configuration one to do so.
We are expecting to be able to release it before EOY, but as always this is only the current expectation based on the knowledge we currently have and it may change.
Erin the mentor
Hi Emily,
Can you talk a little bit about why you might want to show your customers that a ticket is in "on-hold?" Hearing a bit about your process and use case would be super helpful for us.
Emily McDaniel
Hi Erin,
We currently use the On-hold status for tickets that have been sent to Product Management (feature request) or Engineering (bug). When clients look at their list of tickets we want them to be able to distinguish between the tickets support is actively working on vs escalated to another team. Does that make sense?
Andy Krier
We use the on-hold status to distinguish tickets that are related to a future release (new feature/bug) and it would be ideal if customers could have insight to tickets in this status. As it is now, we use a naming convention.
David Scheiner
Hi Erin,
Can I ask the reverse question - Why would you want to hide the on-hold status of a ticket for your customer by default. Agents would generally be unaware that this is happening unless they assume the identity of the customer. I've been using on-hold status for a while and was completely unaware that the customer saw this as Public until today.
I use on-hold if the ticket is with a third party or if we wont be looking at this ticket this month.
Is there any update on this issue? Can you at least make this configurable?
Jeff Preager
I use on hold for tracking purposes. My customers may have some requests/enhancements/maintenance that they will want to do in the future. Perhaps there are dependencies that need to be addressed first, budget considerations, etc.
I log the ticket with the details and place it on hold so it's not lost. We can review it each week to determine if we want to work on it yet or leave it on hold.
These tickets are also considered on hold from the customer's perspective and should be reflected that way in their view from the Customer Portal.
Erin the mentor
Hi all,
I appreciate the feedback on your use cases. When we originally introduced the on-hold status, it was intended to help manage agent queues so that tickets that were technically still open but the agent couldn't directly impact yet weren't constantly in their views. That being said, your use cases also sound perfectly reasonable - just not the original intent of the feature.
We don't have any immediate plans to change this, but I also wouldn't call this "not planned" just yet.
Rüdiger Speidel
Hi Erin,
the main disadvantage is, that users see tickets in state "open" while the real state is "on-hold" and admin are waiting for support of third party. The next thing user does is, they call the admins and ask why there is no progress (ticket solving) for weeks and the admins have to explain, that they are waiting for third party support.
The best solution would be, if the states were configurable (drop down box).
Jake Edwards
We use on-hold to represent "parked" tickets -- something that's not going to get actioned (usually by customer request) until, say, the following month.
It would be nice to represent this on the customer portal to end-users.
MTech Systems
We have the same use case. On-Hold is with development/ product management. We still need to follow-up with the customer regularly, but the Support team has done its job. Development/ product management takes the next step and when they do the Support team takes back over. Having the customer see this as a hand-off to another team is important.
Heather Rommel
I can see that showing "on hold" status to customers could be helpful to some zendesk accounts, but we would ask that if Zendesk decides to do this, a reminder to make this configurable! In other words, each account should be able to decide if we want this via settings.
One step futher, we would ultimately like to decide what wording displays to the customer. For example, "Pending" status displays "Awaiting your response" to the customer. We would want to configure "On Hold" status to read "Waiting on a 3rd Party" or -- we'd want to change it as our business processes evolve.
Markus Gruber
It would be very important for us that customers can see the "on hold" status on the portal because we use it for further releases. Right know the customer do see plenty of open tickets but most of them are not really open because are on hold. This is falsifying the overview for our customers. Is there any chance we can set that up in the code?
Isaiah Henry
We have 4 different Brands with End Users that use the Help Center and this will be very helpful to our organization.
It would be essential for the end user to see the On Hold Status instead of just seeing Open. In the Jira application we were using before it allowed the end user to see the different statuses of the ticket so they were aware when it has been escalated to our development team (Main Reason for On Hold Status)
If we can have the functionality in the Help Center that when an agent flips a case to On Hold that the end user see it that would be great.
Sample User
The on-hold status is helpful for agents managing their ticket queues. It is also extremely beneficial for end-users to manage their open tickets so they know what is actively being worked and what is awaiting a 3rd party (dev team) to resolve.
Time and time again, Zendesk creates additional burden on agents by not doing simple things to empower end-users to gain a little more information or have a little more control on their open tickets.
Zendesk is really only beneficial for companies that have a call center. For technology companies that partner with other companies, Zendesk greatly misses the mark. We work daily with clients on open issues, and enhancements to our product through Zendesk and the lack of end-user functionality we are able to provide to these partners is embarrassing. Insight to actual ticket statuses (like on-hold) and the abilty to create a view or export a ticket lists are the obvious must-haves that Zendesk is missing.
MTech Systems
Nicely stated Mike Pociask. We're in the same situation also as a tech company. My agents are analysts. Comparatively, we have a relatively lower volume of tickets but many of the tickets that we do have are high-intensity issues that require a great deal of collaboration with our customers. We know who our customers are (companies who have bought our products and services and the individual people who work for those companies) and we work with them often. That’s the name of the game for us.
Roadmap Support
I completely agree.. This is something that's really missing right now...
Anthony Lamb
This is pretty annoying considering I have had a number of clients that have migrated from another system to ZenDesk.
They find it frustrating that they cannot get the information that they were getting from the prior support system that clearly displayed the requests that were open with support (Open) and requests being worked on by third parties like development (On Hold)
Another useful feature would be to have advanced filtering options for the end users so they can select multiple statuses to display all tickets not closed or resolved.
Seems like ZenDesk is trying to make it too simple for end users at the cost of functionality that should be there for all users to be able to extract meaningful data from the system.
Jodie Macariola
We have been using this system for a couple of years now, and I had no idea our customers weren't seeing the same ticket status that we see for On Hold tickets. It makes no sense. We train our customers to know that Open means we have the next step, and that Pending (aka Waiting for your Reply) means they have the next step.
On Hold means the ticket is On Hold and our agent does not have an immediate next step at this point. The reason it is on hold is sometimes per our process (we are awaiting a bug fix from the software vendor) or per the customer's request (it's something they want to do in the future).
We are a software reseller and consulting firm working with repeat customers. Our customers need help with the software they've implemented with our help and the custom solutions we've built for them. Many of our tickets are complex tasks with much back and forth, involving multiple people including those from 3rd parties. And we work with the same customers over and over. It seems like Zen Desk is less geared towards this business to business type of model. The intent of your On Hold feature as described on this thread, the lack of views for cc'd tickets, the limited ability for customers to update tickets via the portal (a change in priority, for example), and the lack of much functionality/out of the box reporting at the Organization level (which is our customer) have limited us in how far we've been able to come with the system.
Sample User
Yup, you nailed it, Jodie. We have the same exact issues and it feels like Zendesk is reluctant to do anything (even small things like this on-hold status) to bridge the gap for customers that use Zendesk in a B2B model.
George Azzopardi
It is completely misleading to clients to see the ticket status is open when in fact it is on hold waiting for a third party. I hope that ZD will update this soon especially since it should not be something that big to update.
Nick Baker
For the same reasons as detailed above. We hold backlogs of tickets on behalf of clients, we want them to see On Hold when they are in the backlog and we change the status to Open when a ticket is being worked on for the next release.
Jiri Subrt
our user case is similar to above ones. We have lots of tickets that are either:
It is especially important because unlike Freshdesk, Zendesk doesn't allow to create custom statuses! We used to have around 5 custom statuses in Freshdesk to distuinguish "waiting" tickets (such as "Waiting on Hardware". "Waiting on Backoffice"...). Also not ideal but it did suit us.
Pascal Turmel
+1 - Same as Everyone. We want to leverage the "On Hold" Status to differentiate other open with Support vs. on Hold pending R&D / Engineering. Since there is no Zendesk functionality to add Custom Status, this is the only option to make this clear to our Customers about the difference in the status of their cases. What is the roadmap / timeline to have this option changed or provide either option to show it as Open or Show it like Agent view ? Can this be customized through any JavaScript? Thanks
Isaiah Henry
Seeing that this thread has been open for son long is there any update on if this will be a possible enhancement that would be done in the Help Center?
It seems to benefit a lot of clients.
Hendrick Hassert
Same need here - use On Hold to indicate that a request is taken care of by development. This information does not transfer to the customer portal.
Nicole Saunders
This isn't something on the roadmap at this time, but you're welcome to continue sharing your detailed use cases and scope of impact (how many tickets this would apply to and how often).
Ahmed Esmat
Is this implemented? Our customers are frustrated, they need to see the On-Hold tickets
Cynthia Balusek
+1 for us. We put enhancements in On Hold status
Tobias Hermanns
+1 too
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
Please use the voting arrows on the original post to register your +1's and share detailed use cases in the comments.