Allow articles to be posted to multiple sections
It would be super awesome if we had the ability to post a single article to multiple sections. We have a number of different "buckets" that our customers fall into that each have their own specific section. We often times write articles that are german to more than one group of customers but not all groups of customers. As it stands currently we have to write the article, post it to one section, copy it, navigate to a different section and post the article, navigate to a different section and post the article, navigate to a different section and post the article, and then navigate to a different section and post the article. This is also a huge pain because that one article now has 5 different URLs and becomes a nightmare for updating and linking in our marketing materials and / or website. It would be much easier and efficient if we could choose to post an article to multiple sections (even if it were still separate URL's for each).
Diego San Miguel
Thanks, Dovile. Missed this over the holidays.
Please reach out if we can assist in getting this out the door and/or providing feedback.
Maris Krumins
As we are at the end of January 2020, are there more details available on this core request for efficient use of Guide?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Maris,
The product team is continuing development work to solve for the problems presented here, but we do not have any further details or ETAs we can provide at this time.
Mark B.
Let’s face it guys, it’s been 8 years since this tread was started and still they can’t comment to a date. Is it time to move on? I think so.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Mark,
To clarify, as a rule we don't share ETA dates in the community. This is explained in the product feedback guidelines. We have occasionally given general ETAs such as "later this year" with the caveat that timelines are always subject to change without notice. Because the timeline on this feature has already shifted a few times, we will not be sharing any additional projections on it until we have something concrete, such as the opening of an early access program, which the team is working toward.
A feature related to being able to reuse content across multiple spaces in Help Center continues to be in active development. Once an early access program is available, we will announce it here.
Maris Krumins
Hi Nicole,
Part about not giving more precise ETA is all good. However to plan if we should migrate away, can we legitimately expect this functionality to be made available in next 6 months?
Andrea Beck
Hi Nicole,
I know you are 'only' the messenger and in a really awkward position, as I am sure you can relate to our sentiments but have to distribute only the information you got. I have that problem all the time myself and it is not usually comfortable. *shock*
PS: I would like to sign up to that 'early access program' ;-) :-D
Tobias Hermanns
Matt Guadagnolo
This is taking way too long to you know how mickey mouse this makes our help centres look?
Kevin Hess
Please release this soon. We are piloting ZenDesk Guide (as well as ZenDesk overall), and in the midst of making a decision as to what support platform we move to. This feature would be very helpful.
Owen Skarpness
Re-posting this for new eyes on this thread as it's been buried in previous pages:
This workaround creates nearly identical functionality:
While this article describes the process for "deleted" help center articles, it works identically for active ones:
With redirects in place, you can simply create two articles in different categories, complete with tags, then redirect one to the other. You'll only need to make edits to the final landing page, while the redirected page can be blank or retain historical information. This has done pretty well for us to mimic the functionality of having individual articles in multiple places.
Brad Harris
Looks like this feature is being planned, but unfortunately it's for Guide Enterprise customers only.
Can't describe how disappointing that is...
Alejandro Colon
You inspired me to create an easier to manage version of what you suggested.
How to Include Article in Multiple Sections
Obviously, the best case would be for included support but this should at least help some until then.
Floriane Marande
I need that too, pleeeeaaase !! :-)
Alejandro Colon
You mentioned that an EAP could be here as early 2020. Can we get an update on that?
Rachel Clarke
7 years ago and this many people asking and it's still not in place ? surprised to see this and not ideal as someone looking to start using zendesk
Richard Younger
@... I would not say that this 1 feature request should be what holds you back from using Zendesk. This feature would be extremely helpful, but the software as a whole is extremely valuable. And I can say from experience that sometimes the features we want may be on their road map but some others that take a significant amount of work might be more important even if we do not understand why from outside. I definitely recommend this product.
However, I do look forward to this request becoming part of reality, we have multiple articles we would like to post in multiple locations.
Patrick Lemmer
I scrolled through this thread, since we would really need this feature. I can also see that the feature is planned. But can anyone at least say whether it is worth waiting for it or if it makes more sense to find an alternative. I mean it has now been 8 years of waiting...
What I also don´t understand is that this workaround was available years ago. It surely can't be too difficult to implement something like it into the product.
Catherine Michalak
Hi @...,
Have you seen this - Content blocks EAP? And more info on how it works once you have it - here: Enabling content blocks.
The articles describes what that will allow you to do - does that partially solve any of the issues you're facing?
Alejandro Colon
I provided a link above but I wanted to make sure you saw it. This is a workaround to "post" an article in multiple sections without the need to duplicate the content. You would not have to adjust multiple articles anytime the original article content is changed.
Would this help you out in the meantime?
Agnes Gasparbekyan
Do you think this will ever be implemented? :/ We need this very much
Nicole Saunders
Hi Agnes -
The feature that the team has been working on around posting content in multiple places in your help center is currently in beta. You can find more information on that here: Content Blocks EAP
Dennis Beltran
Hi @...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Content Blocks isn't exactly the same as allowing articles to be nested in multiple sections/categories.
It looks like you're allowed to select parts or the an entire article and insert it into another article as a block of content. But you can't have an article and have it live in 2 different sections. Can you tell me if I'm missing or misunderstanding?
Andrea Beck
Same here, from how I understand this new feature, while possibly valuable (though available only to Enterprise users), it does not seem to be the answer/solution to this 3000 day old thread. One still has to create multiple articles - one for each section. Looking forward to hear that I misinterpreted.
Permanently deleted user
While Content Blocks sound great and I'm sure I will have justification to use them, that is not the same as the original post in this thread. I feel that Zendesk may have missed the mark here with not fully understanding what the original post was requesting.
If using Content Blocks to solve this, it would still require two or more articles. Technically speaking, this is now duplicate article information (by title) in the Help Center. Rather than having a single article linked into multiple sections.
A single content block in multiple articles ≠ a single article in multiple sections.
My fear is that Zendesk will see the Content Blocks as the 'answer', and subsequently close off this most popular request without addressing it.
Zendesk, please chime in here if we are misunderstanding the scope of Content Blocks.
Karl Löfdahl
I agree with previous replies: While Content Blocks seem useful, it's not what this request is about.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Thank you all for your comments, I agree that Content Blocks doesn't solve the case of placing one article in multiple sections and categories in your Help Center. This functionality is designed for reusing smaller fragments of content, like disclaimers, legal notes, call-outs, etc. across the articles, locales, and brands.
I'm sure that @... was excited to share it with you as it's our first step into the area of reusability of content and removing redundancy of some of the knowledge management tasks. It's not the only one however and we also plan to look into multiplacement of the articles.
Permanently deleted user
Thank you for the update.
So that we have a realistic expectation, with Content Blocks being the first step (in EAP) and with article multi-placement being planned, does that mean we are still some time away from this feature request being fulfilled?
It sounds as though Content Blocks are the first phase, with multi-placement articles being a later phase.