Drillthrough not working
I would like to add a drillthrough for my datas. I'm displaying number of tickets in a certain state per day and i add "ID Ticket" in the drillthrough menu.
But when i actually click on a number on my dashboard, the modal is empty. https://i.imgur.com/19fUYr6.png
Can you help me with this, please ?
Thanks !
Eugene Orman
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your great feedback and patience. The Drillthrough feature was recently replaced with the Drill-in feature that shouldn't encounter the same problem. If you will still come across this issue in the Drill-in please let us know.
Here is the announcement - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403518292762
Drew Clark
Same for me, adding drillthrough rarely works - occasionally I can get a list of ticket IDs but no other selected fields show up.
Andy Dyer
Following as I have same issue
Laura Hippert
Hi there! It looks like we are currently seeing an issue with the Drillthrough feature, I will be creating individual tickets and reaching out to provide more information. I apologize for the inconvenience!
Ene Cristian
I am experiencing the same issue... is there any solution for this?
I am surprised as it was reported on December 18th
Patrick Bosmans
Hey Cristian,
I offered an answer for you in your other community post, but just wanted to let you know here as well that I have spun up a ticket for you so that you can be notified when we release a fix.
Greer Davis
I'd also like to be notified of when the drillthrough feature works again. Is there an idea on timeline for a fix? We've been using this to check issues with individual tickets and spot checking the query is working correctly.
Drew Clark
Updated development on my end. I went back through the drillthrough and deselected everything, saved, went back through and selected only the options I want and it kiiiinda works. I get about 80% of the fields I'm expecting. So...improvement? Somewhat?
Arianne Batiles
Hi Greer and Drew,
Our development team is still working on a resolution for this issue. Apologies but I'm afraid we are unable to provide you a timeline as to when this can be resolved.
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this issue is causing.
Kindly requesting to send us a ticket to support@zendesk.com so that we can link this to the ticket we currently have.
Duncan Murphy
Any update on this? It appears drillthrough is still not fixed.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Duncan -
A fix was released for this issue in February, so this may be a different bug. Would you like me to create a ticket for you so that we can have someone help take a look at your account?
Tommy Ball
Are there circumstances where this feature wouldn't work? It's appearing blank for me to under certain circumstances.
Duncan Murphy
Drillthrough is still not working for me either. Please open a ticket :)
Brett Bowser
Hey Duncan,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! As requested, I have created a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Advocacy team can dig into this further.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
Brett Bowser
@Tommy do you notice when this option is missing on your end? Any additional information you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Randy Nieukirk
I have a Dashboard that I have shared with my team and they are unable to choose the Drillthrough on the queries that I enabled Drillthrough on. They each have Viewer access to the Dashboard, but when they click on the query it does not offer the Drillthrough option. I disabled all the other Interactions, but made sure Drillthrough was active. I also chose which attributes to show in the Drillthrough. The Drillthrough does work on the query itself.
Brett Bowser
Hey Randy,
I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so we can look into this with you.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
Ethan Rostami
Hi Guys
Any idea what can cause this issue!? Hovering over the chart will show the below items (Unsolved tickets:1 , ...) but clicking on the bars which normally will open the interaction drop-down kinda list to select drillthrough from, is completely not working.
Brett Bowser
Hey Ethan,
Thanks for taking the time to share this with us! I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Advocacy team can look at this report for you.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
Payden V.
When I click on Drillthrough by Ticket ID for a specific Assignee with "Good Satisfaction w/comment," it instead shows me all of the tickets by that Assignee with the ID. IT should just show the ones filtered by "Good SAtisfaction w/comment", correct
Brett Bowser
Hey Payden,
I saw you created a ticket with our Customer Care team around this issue but they never received a response back.
Were you able to get this issue resolved?
Let me know!
Hannah Meier
Hello Payden,
This is because Drillthrough currently does not take into consideration any metric level filters. To ensure that the drillthrough results are filtered correctly all necessary filters should be placed in the query itself.
This article gives an example of how to do that: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022183374-Using-Drillthrough#heading2
James McCoy
I do not have any metric level filters applied and my drillthrough is still blank. I made a Ticket Updates query to show cases that go from Pending-Closed and skip Solved. The query shows 7000 results but drillthrough is blank.
DJ Buenavista Jr.
Hi James,
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
In regards to this concern, you need to make sure that you have added the following attributes or metrics in your custom query to show up or appear in the drillthrough. This means if any of the attributes selected in the drillthrough are not already included in your query (as a row, column, or filter), they cannot be shown in the drillthrough results.
You can check the following article, Using Drillthrough for more information.
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,
DJ Buenavista Jr. |
Customer Advocacy Specialist
Rodger Bradford
Hello @...,
I have a few questions about drill through.
1) Is there a way to export the drill through for all of my results in a query? My query has 5 columns of data. Do I have drill through each column and export or can I get the drill through data for all 5?
2) My second question has to do with exporting photo attachments from our tickets. We sell physical products and we use ZD for our warranty support. Our customers must submit a photo of a defective product in order for us to send them a free replacement. Our Quality Assurance team wants a report that shows the ticket data including the photo attachments to help us diagnose production issues and improve our products. How can this be achieved?
3) My last question is more an observation about the the horizontal bar graph option for Visualization Type - The horizontal graph does not allow drill through! But the vertical bar graph does. So does the pie chart. It seems strange that one type of chart does not allow drill through. I am not too concerned about this but it is odd and it took me a while to figure out.
Nhia Lor
Hey Rodger,
Thats correct; it is only currently possible to expert the drill through data once you have performed the drill through on each attribute value/column.
I'm afraid at this time ticket comment data which includes comments and attachments is not sync'd to Explore. You can however most certainly leverage our Incremental Ticket Event Export or Ticket Comments API endpoints to export the raw data from Zendesk to an external platform to report on though.
I tested this myself in my own test account and using both Bar (horizontal) was able to use and interact with the Decompose and Drill through options. I found that the only setting that would prevent the drillthrough interaction option is if the "Allow drillthrough" setting is not enabled under the Chat configuration > Interactions menu.
Hope this helps to address these concerns you had!
Best regards,
Chris Hobbs
I experience the same issue as Rodger mentioned above,
Drillthrough on the Bar (Horizontal) graph does not work, but switching to Column Works.
That seems to be a Bug!
I double check as well that I have "Allow drillthrough" under Chart Configuration > Interaction Menus.
Dave Dyson
Hi Oneio –
I've been able to verify that drillthough does work in general for the Bar (horizontal) chart type, by creating the following query:
Metric: Count (Tickets)
Columns: Ticket created - date
Filter: Ticket created - date (last week)
I also deselected all columns except for Ticket ID under Chart configuration > Drillthrough.
Can you try this on your account, and let me know if that works? Then can you let me know how your query is set up that's not working with drillthrough, and the error you're seeing (e.g., does "drillthrough" not appear in the popup menu, or when you select it does the drillthrough not happen, or something else?)