Calendar week 52
Hi ZenDesk community,
my queries which show weekly bar charts are looking messed up because ZenDesk can't keep week 52 in year 2021 and will display part of it in 2022.
Does anyone else have issues with this? The support Team told me they don't have a fix yet but might look into creating one if enough people are impacted by this.
Please comment if this is creating issues for you as well!
Thank you!
Sydney Neubauer
We definitely had this issue affecting our reports. Upvoting
Anton M.
upvoting. having 2 weeks №52 in one year is a mess (Jan from previous year + Dec for current) .
In our internal reports I've created a new custom metric as a workaround.
Here is calculated attribute code, that works for ticket creation week and year. It uses the fact, that first day of the week only exists in 1 year, + some formatting, so the text field will sort correctly.
CJ Johnson
Last year the problem was week 53, forgot about this particular issue but agreed, it would be nice not to have to work around this every January.
Kirill Akimov
We also have the same issue, Zendesk team!
Brad Harris
Same. It's Feb, 2023 but we're seeing Week 52 2023 at the end of all of our column charts.
Eugene Orman
Kirill Akimov & Brad Harris, have you tried using the Year and week attribute instead of the Week of year?

Here is an example:
Let me know if this attribute will help to resolve the issue with Week 52.