Smooch IOS SDK delegate not triggered
#ifndef AuthDelegate_h
#define AuthDelegate_h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Smooch/Smooch.h>
@interface MyAuthDelegate : NSObject <SKTAuthenticationDelegate>
- (void)onInvalidToken:(NSError *)error handler:(SKTAuthenticationCompletionBlock)completionHandler;
#endif /* AuthDelegate_h */
///// below is AuthDelegate.m ///
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AuthDelegate.h"
@implementation MyAuthDelegate
* Notifies the delegate of a failed request due to invalid credentials
* @param completionHandler callback to invoke with a new token
- (void)onInvalidToken:(NSError *)error handler:(SKTAuthenticationCompletionBlock)completionHandler
// retrieve new token
NSLog(@"Smooch onInvalidToken triggered nick:");
completionHandler(@"fake token");
///////////// below is how I attach the delegate to Smooch ////
SKTSettings *customSettings = [[SKTSettings alloc] init];
customSettings.integrationId =integrationId;
MyAuthDelegate *tempDelegate = [MyAuthDelegate new]; // [[MyAuthDelegate alloc] init];
customSettings.authenticationDelegate = tempDelegate;
ConversationDelegate *conversationDelegate = [ConversationDelegate new];
[Smooch setConversationDelegate:conversationDelegate];
[Smooch initWithSettings:customSettings completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error, NSDictionary * _Nullable userInfo) {
if (error == nil) {
The delegate function is not firing. I also tried the didDismissViewController on `SKTConversationDelegate`, it is also not firing. I think something serious is wrong with my understanding. I probably miss some fundermental concept. Thanks!
Taylor Bowser
Hi Shenxin Xu,
Thanks for your post! I've opened a ticket on your behalf so we can grab additional details to troubleshoot this issue.