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Tip: Add Current Article Title In The Breadcrumbs On Article Template

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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

2021년 7월 31일에 게시됨



Article Page

Time To Read: Max 1min

Time To Embed: Max 1min


Hi to all,

I am going to do a simple thing but new to new :D I meant new to new people who are in hurry like doing any customization project and they need help for sudden if they face this kind of requirement so without wasting the time let's get started.

I. Copy the below code and paste into your script.js file under the DOM function.

    function articleInBreadcrumb(){
var parent = document.querySelector('.breadcrumbs').innerHTML += articleTitle;


Screenshot for the same:



II. Copy the below article title code and paste into your article_page.hbs file at the top.

var articleTitle = ' > {{article.title}}';


Screenshot for the same:


III. Output is - see the breadcrumbs, article title has added.



Thanks Guys:)




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