Out of Office app - official feature request thread
2020년 3월 13일에 게시됨
This is the official feedback topic for Out of Office. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360040001354-Feedback-on-Built-by-Zendesk-Apps-General-Guidelines) before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!
If you see a suggestion for a feature below that you would also find useful, please feel free to upvote it so that we can focus on features that would help the most users!
If you're looking for information on setup or use, please see the instruction article here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204076066-Installing-and-using-the-Out-of-Office-v2-app
댓글 53개
Vishal Jethani
Hey folks,
The enhancement to enable access to the Out Of Office app and allow non-admin agents to override the Agent OOO status is scheduled for next year. We will keep this thread updated with more concrete timelines.
I Would like to add a message, to the trigger, but its not possible
Hi team, {{ticket.assignee.first_name}} is out of the office and one of his tickets has been updated. Can you watch it? The details are below: {{ticket.comments_formatted}}
Erica Sutherland
This app seems to time out before all of an agent's tickets are updated. We currently have 17 agents who are ooo currently in the app and 1100 of their tickets are not tagged as agent_ooo. This seems like a massive loophole and is a pretty major workflow concern for us. I have a support ticket in for this issue as when we initially reported it this was not detected. If an agent is ooo, there should not be a timeout on how many of their tickets get updated with the agent_ooo tag. In the absence of that tag, none of the triggers related to the app unassigning tickets will work properly.
It's working for everything but solved tickets in most cases- so we aren't seeing nearly as many tickets get missed that are in a 'less than solved' status.
Kalle Windefalk
Please add the ability to schedule an agents out of office duration.
We have a trigger that put the ooo agent's ticket back to the default group/view upon ticket update for that agent.
We set all the tickets in on-hold for an agent on leave and if the (admin) forget to set the agent to available, all tickets are thrown back to the standard group and someone has to clean up the mess. =)
This would be solved with a schedule function, setting the agent to available a certain date.
Diana H.
Please add the ability for roles other than Admins to override an Agent's OOO status. We would like Supervisors to have the ability to override OOO status but do not want to give them Admin access/permissions in order to do so.
+1 to what @... said. This is a daily headache for our team, and it would make this amazing app much more amazing to have the flexibility to control what roles can control other agents' availability.
@... - Any word on the request for non-admins to be able to update other agents' statuses? As it stands now, we are likely moving away from using this app if this feature is not added. Our security dictates we can't have as many admins as is required to efficiently utilize this app.
Lots of folks have requested this feature. Thank you for the update!
Chris Fellows
Hi Rudolph,
Sorry for the delay in an update. We actually would love to add this feature in, but we are currently restricted by the underlying API that the App uses. The API security allows users in Admin roles to update all users, but only user roles to update themselves (OOO Status). The alternative would be to elevate everyones privs in the App which has other side affects and larger security concerns. We are constantly reviewing updates from our Product team on this and will add this functionality if it becomes available. Thanks!
Understandable. Thanks, Chris.
Stephen Weaver
Please remove the action that changes the updated date on
all the agents tickets when the agent is put OOO.
Tickets should not be "updated" until the end user/customer or agent adds a comment?
Please see your support ticket #6388903, where I have been told that
the OOO app will not work for us?
@... - Speaking to you as a fellow ZD user and not someone who works on or for the OOO app:
I doubt the OOO team can accommodate your request, because ZD defines an update as any change made to a ticket, and the OOO app must make changes to the ticket to function. However, if you're finding that this is messing with your triggers or automations, I recommend trying to change the rules to "updated by requester" or "updated by assignee" rather than just "updated". This might help fix the issue you're facing.
Stephen Weaver
If you read the ticket you would see we don't use triggers,
we do a manual check.
Why was this introduced in version 2, it was not in version 1?
Mandy at Paperless Post
Since the app update to V2 in 2019 we have experienced almost daily issues with tickets remaining in agent Views when the agents are set to Unavailable. This bug has caused many frustrating experiences for our customers and has prevented us from maintaining our SLA on multiple occasions. I opened a ticket about this in Oct 2019. Finally in January of 2020 we received this response:
Unfortunately it looks like you're running into a bug in the app. The good news is that our devs are already working on fixing it.
This in June of 2020:
Our engineers are still exploring the best way to fix the underlying issue here. I've let them know that this remains a big problem for you (and other customers), and I'm waiting to hear back from them on their plans moving forward.
And now finally this update:
We have received confirmation from our app developer team that there are no immediate plans to address the OOO app's underlying infrastructure and the behavioral limitations that we previously discussed will unfortunately remain in place going forward.
I'll have to admit that solving for the different out of office use cases is pretty challenging.
If you also happen to be looking for an auto assignment (round robin) solution, you might want to take a look at our Playlist app.
Playlist has an implementation of OOO. It's similar to the Zendesk Labs app but streamlines the agent's status for both round robin and OOO.
Adrian Bishop
This app doesn't seem to work with side conversation tickets, is there a fix for this please?
Also, it doesn't always work anyway, I see tickets assigned to agents who are unavailable and we then receive complaints from customers due to lack of response.
Steven McLain
Bumping to request a feature to add schedules so agents will automatically move into "Unavailable" on their rest days.
Molly Short
+1 To @... request.
Additionally, would be nice if there was a visual notification for agents when OOO is set. Currently it's easy for agents to forget to set themselves as available, as there is no reminder upon login or any visual difference in the UI.
Something like Slack's feature that asks if you want to set yourself to active when you navigate back to it after setting yourself away would be super helpful!
@... like this?
Molly Short
@... yes! Something just like that in the Out of Office app would be super helpful.
Marc Dufour
If a ticket is updated for an OOO user, and it unassigned to the open pool, If that ticket is reassigned back to the OOO agent as an Open ticket, that OOO tag should be re-added in case it gets updated again.
I'm trying to build a trigger to do this but I can't wrap my head around it. Anyone else able to help me logic this?
So I see we cannot have an "open" ticekt with the OOO tag as it triggers to go to the unassigned pool. I get it. So I want to reassign it to the agent in the "Pending" status and have the tag re-added. This does not work and I can't figure out why.
Marc Dufour
Also, I assume if we add an email notification to the "unassigned" trigger that would work to alert support agents that a ticket was updated for an OOO agent. I'll try that
Update, The trigger cannot be modified. If we match the conditions perhaps an email can be sent. I'll test that
Marc Dufour I believe you can clone the trigger that is included with the app and then deactivate it. Moving forward, you can work off of the cloned version.
Csaba Dániel Kézér
+1 on the ability for roles other than Admins to override an Agent's OOO status. We need Managers to have the ability to override OOO status but do not want to give them Admin access/permissions in order to do so.
Binh Du
In the description it states "Changing the availability status either adds or removes a tag on tickets with a Pending, On-Hold, or Solved status, and optionally for all tickets with an Open status. For more information, see Understanding the agent_ooo tag below." Where is the option to turn on this feature for tickets with Open status? I'm not able to find it in the app's settings nor in the information under Understanding the agent_ooo tag.
Mark Fly
Has there been any significant improvement for this feature app? It is discerning that there is no way to manage out of office agents effectively.
Naomi Watnick
Hi Friends 👋 - Is there any way we can have the app expose who the previously Assigned Agent was in the ticket? We're able to utilize a custom target and add an internal comment stating the ticket was set to Open due to the previous agent being unavailable via the "Out of Office" app... but, we are unable to say who the previous agent was.
I've tried reordering the triggers, but things seem to happen out of order and I can never get to a state that captures who the agent was right before it gets unassigned.
Prateek Chhetri
The app doesn't specify the previous assigned agent was in the ticket. If you require this information you can find this in the ticket's events.
Naomi Watnick
Thanks Prateek Chhetri - I have the ability to set an internal comment when the ticket gets unassigned by the "Out of Office" app. I'd like to make the internal comment more relevant so the teammate picking up the ticket knows quickly who's ticket it was. Going through ticket events is not a solution. Suggestions?
Prateek Chhetri
Naomi Watnick
Ah - Ok. Thank you Prateek Chhetri