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Android SDK language issue

Publicado 29 de set. de 2021


We are using Zendesk Support SDK to provide our customers with a Help Center articles. The app supports different languages and we also provide a mechanism to change the app's language just for the app, ignoring the system language. 

After initializing SDK I call


and set the needed locale. It works well for the content, however, if the system locale is different I can still see some SDK's text fetching strings for the system locale.

For example, here on the screenshot the system's language is Russian, and I set Locale.ENGLISH to the helpCenterLocaleOverride. As a result I get this:


How can I resolve this issue?

Thank you! 



5 comentários

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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Ivan,

You'll need to restart the application for the changes to be picked up in the UI elements. We make mention of it here.

Hope this helps!

Have a wonderful day!

Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy


Hi Eric! Thank you for the answer. I actually don't change the language so no changes are applied, thus no need to be restarted. It looks like after seeing some content in a WebView the app's locale is been reseted 


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Ivan,

Sorry what I was referring to was this piece of that article:

Note: If you change the locale programmatically during the runtime of the application, the change won't be applied to the UI element. You must restart the application to update the locale.

As you said some of the content we provide isn't being updated. This is due to you changing the locale programmatically and we aren't picking up the change as the view has already been loaded. Due to that the application will need to restart for the system elements to get picked up.

Hope this helps,



Thank you for the information! Now I'm completely restarting the Application process when we switch the locale, however after I go the Support and open any article and then go back to the app and open support center again - some UI elements are being translated back to the device's locale. The content language is ok but it affects some SDK's strings, like "Was this article helpful?" or "See all X articles".

It happens only on API >= Android N.

It seems like that is a global WebView component issue but I can't find any solution


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Ivan, 

That's odd, can you open up a ticket for this issue so we can take a closer look?




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