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Setting a filter default state
Publicado 19 de abr. de 2019
Something useful in GoodData/Insights was the ability to add filters to a dashboard and set the default selections of the filter(s). This allowed me to create a single report (query) to use across many dashboards, then use the filtering on the dashboard to get the final output where I wanted it. This made it simpler to only have my one report and set+forget the filtering, rather than clone the report and apply filters to it (and have a lengthy list of reports/queries).
So, my request is to allow a "default" state of the filters to be selected/populated for a dashboard.
26 comentários
Walter Bellante
Dear customers,
I am pleased to share that filtered views, previously known in the classic builder as bookmarks, are now available in the new dashboard builder.
You can find more information in the announcement and the related article.
Thanks again for your patience and feedback about our product.
Hillary Latham
Yes! This is needed. The default value for date ranges seems to be "all history" which isn't a very useful default date range. I have 4 queries in my dashboard tab and they all have the same date range, and I have two attributes to apply the date range to, but the filter default is "all history".
Christopher Stock
Another vote for this functionality!
Filiph Petzäll
Yes please, we need this! "all history" takes quite some time to load and is (almost) never the time-frame that one would want to look at.
Hillary Latham
To add to why this is a need, any dashboards I have mailed out also do not have any parameters. It means I have to edit all my queries in all my dashboards to have the defaults I want to have emailed out.
Chris Hall
Another +1 for this. Our organization finds the default "all history" useless for our regular metrics assessment.
Joel Mayer
Yes please, we need this!
How many times is someone loading a dashboard to look at "All history"? That's for archives, not a Dashboard.
Tod Kehrli
I thought I figured this out, but when I exited and reopened my dashboard the defaults were gone. Please add this feature.
Srini Kallam
Another +1 for this. we need defaulting option for dashboard filters
Lance Mitchell
Agreed, this functionality needs added. Realistically, if you set the filters in the query then the dashboard should only allow what's been filtered out to display as well.
Matko Caja
So, anything new on this topic?
I find it kinda frustrating not to be able to set a default data range... + what's the use of the scheduled delivery when I got all history at the beginning of the month than last month data range...
Amanda Black
I agree. I just finished making a new dashboard and I set the dates as I did in insights and was not pleased to realize it doesn't save the set date ranges.
Any updates?
Anthony Garcia Jr.
I'm not sure if this is what everyone's looking for but this may help:
Apply a filter then create a bookmark to save them. You can just set one "bookmark" for your dashboard's default filters and hide the widget afterwards.
Jürgen König
I'm not sure, if this helps anyhow. But I see this as an essential feature and not just a "nice-to-have" thing. In a heterogeneous zendesk environment (e.g. worldwide with each subsidiary having several support departments), you have a sea of forms, groups, etc. and the selection lists are endless and hardly possible to handle in a comfortable way. In summary: + 1 from my side.
Vincent Dollet
Hi @..., all, apologies for the belated reply on this thread.
As mentioned by @..., "bookmarks" allow you to set default values for each filters. Can you please confirm they are addressing your needs in that area? If not, would you be able to share the use cases where they currently fall short?
Many thanks
+1 to be able to set and save filters as a default on a dashboard rather than creating bookmarks or new queries.
Carlos Santos
+1 For the default on time filters
Walter Bellante
Hi everyone,
thanks for sharing your feedback about setting the default state for filters.
We've created a recipe to help you set a default state via bookmarks.
This allows the filters to be set to predefined values when the dashboard is initially loaded.
I hope it helps.
Sonia Sa
Thanks, David for providing the solution. I was facing the same issue and now it is fixed.
Anastasia Kachanova
+1 For the default on time filters
Denise von femSense
+1 for this
I am again stunned that Zendesk has not implemented the simplest of functions
Atanas Tomov
+1 on this
ApkG Store
+1 to this post. Thank you so much for the best platform. I got a lot of help from this platform for free.
Boyan Spasov
Walter Bellante
Hello everyone,
I want to thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding the default state for filters. We understand how important it is to choose the default value for a time filter.
We have taken note of the most common needs expressed in the comments.
First, we recognize that many users want to adapt reports to different audiences to reduce the amount of duplicate reports. We are pleased to inform you that this is now covered by dashboard restrictions available in the new dashboard builder, which allows you to dynamically adapt data to the viewer.
Secondly, we understand that some of you use time filters to speed up the load of the dashboard. This has been captured as part of rebuilding bookmarks or a similar feature supporting the same use cases.
In the new dashboard builder, the default value of the time filter is already set to last 30 days. We understand that some users may want to change this value, and we are working on making this configurable in the future.
We appreciate your feedback and will continue to work on improving the platform to better meet your needs. Please stay tuned for further updates.
Anton vanHeerden
Any update on this feature to set a default time filter. Large data sets like ticket updates take long to load on complex reports.