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Month to date this year vs. MTD LY


Publicado 21 de mai. de 2019

In Explore can you create a Month To Date This Year (MTDTY) and Month To Date Last Year (MTDLY) time based metrics?  Trying to build a query with these two vales for solved tickets with a % difference.

Thanks in advance for the help!




2 comentários

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Jon Daniels

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi James!

Your question was answered in a ticket, but I'm sharing that answer in a comment here for any future visitors:


In order to achieve what you'd like, you'll need to create different Date Range Calculated Metric for each part:

  • From this Year to date: (based on Ticket Solved date in my example):


  • From Last Year to same date last Year:


And then another Standard Calculated Metric for: % Difference This Year vs Last Year:

Make sure to change the display format to percentage for this metric.

Then you'll be able to create the same for your Quarter and Month to date metric creating 3 metrics for each as well.

For more information on this, you can consult these help articles:


@...- Thank you... I neglected to thank you originally but I just referenced this again and wanted to be sure I did this time.


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