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dynamic content in Flow Builder
Publicado 17 de nov. de 2021
Feature Request Summary
Use of dynamic content to manually translate Flow Builder messages
Use case
Often the automatic translation of Flow Builder is not able to translate the entire phrase correctly.
Using dynamic content I would be able to manage translations.
Business impact
The CX could be improved using the right phrase in the right context :)
36 comentários
Lisa Tam
Hey there,
Thanks for your suggestion. We understand the Flow Builder's automatic translations may not always be ideal and having more control here can help. I'll log this one for future consideration. Thanks!
Chris Boyd
It's another +1 from me.
Language and translation is a core part of our business and products, so having no control over Flow Builder texts is really disappointing and could potentially affect our brand image when the translations are poor. We have dedicated teams specifically for translating and we can't take advantage of this when using Flow Builder. In the long term, we may have to integrate a third party solution that does provide this.
Hopefully you can add this important feature to your roadmap, so we have the same customisation we're used to in Guide and Support.
Tim (inactive account)
I have difficulties to believe that this is not a standard option.
This feature not working slows us down to almost a halt. What solutions are there right now?
"What would help is being able to duplicate Bots so I can make 1 for each domein (11) a bit faster. But it looks like we have to manually create every bot from scratch(?)." - This only works if you create a new brand for each bot but then you need to make a new KB for each brand as well. You can not easily duplicate those either.
CJ Johnson
This is definitely a key feature to adoption by more accounts. We'd love to use Flowbuilder, but until we can use our own translations and texts, its' just not a feasible option.
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
+1 from me as well.
We have a few customers that want to provide external links as the 'message' at the end of a flow. eg: "click here to find more" (linked text would be awesome as well) which then takes the end user to some other website.
These customers maintain multiple language websites so to somehow provide the relevant language link (via dynamic content) would be great.
I guess somehow Flow Builder would need to know what dynamic content to use - I was thinking somehow based on language detected in the browser which then determines what Flow Builder language is used.
Otherwise, and Chris Boyd this might be something you could use, we'd need to build multiple flows, one for each language, and ask the end user what their language is at the very start of the flow. There are some problems with this approach including that you can only offer 6 options per step (so any more than 6 languages wouldn't work) and we can't 'workflow' flow builder from a custom field (at least I don't think we can). Plus the amount of work multiples by how many languages you support - the flow builder build would get very big, very quickly.
Alicia Schaefer
Another +1 from me!
We were very much looking forward to using the bot and flow builder on our 4 sites but found that between the translations not being good and the English text in some spots that won't auto-translate at all, we had to turn it off on all 3 of our non-English sites.
Yvonne P.
1,5 years ago this super logical request was added here - technically dynamic content is already something Zendesk is familiar with - how on earth, does it take this long to make this posssible? We are a multi-brand and multi language account (7 brands and 11 languages) and we will not be able to use messaging/flow builder and all that until dynamic content become available as requested above.
Yes I could create individual brands by language/brand, but you see how the administrative complexity would increase tremednously if we need to take care of 77 brands vs just 7..... this reminds me of the "forever wanted feature > round robin assignment for tickets" > please Zendesk, let this topic not just lay here for 10+ years now!
Hello there,
That would be an extremely useful feature for us as well, so that brands can use their own tone of voice in their bot answers..
Stephen Senez
+1 from me
Antonio Naddeo
How can you even conceive launching flow builder with no dynamic content support? You claim to be investing heavily in Messaging, yet another disappointment and the PM response is : “ We understand the Flow Builder's automatic translations may not always be ideal and having more control here can help”. Having more control may help? What answer is this?
With messaging we take 1 step forward and 3 backwards.
Does this mean that we have produce a flow builder for each language?
We support 7 languages, what is the solution?
Adoption of messaging in 2030
Lisa Tam
Hey all,
Thanks for sharing your feedback. It is on the roadmap for H1, 2024 to bring in the ability to customise the translations, overriding the system-generated translations. We are currently exploring solutions right now, and it will help us greatly if you can share more about your requirements and business process around how and who would manage the translations so we can take them into consideration.
Antonio Naddeo
Hi Lisa Tam thank you for getting back to me.
- Business case. we have 1 website in 5 languages: Spanish, Italian, French, German and English.
- In this website there is currently 1 single web widget: the classic.
- If we were to migrate the widget Classic to Messaging and using the flow builder, we will have to pick first a source language (Spanish for example) and rely on the automated translation for every other language.
- My early testing with automated translation are not to my satisfaction and prone to confusing customers rather than guiding them.
My feedback: Dynamic content is the greatest feature that Zendesk has ever made, I am still struggling to understand why is not being consider for Flow builder.
So what is the alternative solution we could use given the explained use case?
Yvonne P.
Lisa Tam
Our Use case is similar to Antonios. We have a multibrand account, 2 brands currently with active messaging widget incl. Bot Flow (one in 5 languages the other one in 4) - specific example: The Bot asks "what is your question about?" > we offer options to requester, one of them "product consultation" > if a requester selects "product consultation" we show our different product categories (we manufacture and sell canvas prints, aluminum prints, photobooks .... loads of diffrent prints on various materials) > the translation of some product categories, for example in italian is not necessarily wrong, just uses awkward words for some products, that real italians would not use, and these products we name differently on our sites. Exact example: one product category is "wandbilder" in german (our default language) - it translates to "murales" in italian, but thats not the most logical translation, we name this categorie on our website "stampe da parete" > being able to use dynmiac content for those product categories at the very least would be great.
Hope this makes sense, just typing this up real quick in between meetings. We could share many real life examples on this, if you like a quick meeting with us anytime on this matter for more detailed suggestions, just shoot me an email.
Kind regards, Yvonne
Antonio Naddeo
Lisa Tam why H1 2024?
Anastasia Kachanova
+1 from me. Dynamic content is a must for messaging channel
Atanas Tomov
+1 for this functionality. Definitely need this if we are to have multi-language set up with messaging.
A comment to support the idea
Mindy Wang
Hi Lisa,
I hope this can be realized soon, it is surprising to see this idea has been brought up to Zendesk since 2021 and it is still in development.
Especially when our company provides a language learning product, this is affecting our image greatly, please help to make dynamic content available in the flow builder as soon as possible!
Fabio Lordelo
Lisa Tam
Is this feature still on track for 2024 H1?
We are currently expanding the languages supported by our platform and will need to support those languages properly on the bot by being able to either use the dynamic content in the flow builder and be able to create intents in different languages.
Daniel Aron
Hi all, thank you for this recent feedback and your patience. The ability to manage and customise bot translations is indeed still a top priority for H1. We are now actively commencing discovery, so I expect to be able to share further updates later this quarter.
Daniel Aron Happy to hear this feature is a top priority
Jad Azzi
Lisa Tam,
I see you mention this has an ETA of H1 2024. Can we expect this for Q1 or rather Q2?
If you are also looking for BETA testers and/or interviews to gather more use cases and feedback, I would love to help.
Interestingly that Daniel Aron deleted his January 15 comment 'The ability to manage and customise bot translations is indeed still a top priority for H1. We are now actively commencing discovery, so I expect to be able to share further updates later this quarter' 🧐
It isn't deleted, it's now highlighted at the top of the comments list.
Sanoma Sorry, my bad
Antonio Naddeo
Any update on introducing dynamic content in the flow builder?
Daniel Aron
Hi all, thanks once again for your patience and interest in this feature. We are nearing completion of discovery and have defined a scope for an initial release. We are still working through our detailed planning, but we hope to be able to share an ETA soon.
Kylian Olierook
Is there an update here?
Yvonne P.
REALLY important topic for us too! In some of our bots product naming is not identical to what we call our products on the website. It is really critical.
Example: Wall art in italian is translated to “murales” > the product categorie on our website is called “stampe da parete” / on our brand new US age the automatic translation also calls it “murals” while we call it Wall art >>>> hoping this underlines how crictical this is. For now we accepted just having to “live with it for the time beeing” - our CEOs are not happy with it though as you can imagine. Very hopeful that we get an update here very soon and that it goes on the roadmap for your team asap.
Dmitriy Nevzorov
+1 We are using dynamic content to translate form fields, but translations are not working if the form field is used in the bot flow, so there is no way to translate custom form fields right now